Birthday in few days.
This is not a pity me statement, but seeing is how I don't get thrown parties/get gifts, what should I do?
A buy something stupid expensive (like several hundred dollars worth of Warhammer 40K models)
B take myself out for sushi
C go to Medieval Times

I am really realizing I am glad my ex left me for someone else
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Medieval Times is cruel to animals.
My life isn't horrible. But it's fair to say it's gotten...Chaotic since October.
Life doesn't give me lemons...It squirts lemon juice into my eyes.

Example: I got denied PCSing to a new base in the states, all 6 of them
I can't put in for England until clearance review is done (So not leaving in September)
AND to top it all off the reduced our...
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One thing I have learned is not to get my hopes up.

That said wish me luck, I have decided. I am applying for a special position in England, and going to try and leave well before the end of the year.
your still pretty cute!
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I test for promotion TODAY. At 0730. It is currently 0230. I am ungodly awake for no damn reason. Tossed and turned for 3 hours.
Even masturbated twice. Hot shower, little snack. Read, music. Nothing. (My sincere apologies if you got a visual of me jerking off, I can imagine that isn't too pleasant).
I got denied PCS...
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The husband and I found this thoroughly entertaining. Fireball is boss. robot
Oh man, reminds me of Prom. Nice. Missionanal?
Short version:
I am currently experimenting with cooking some thin cut meats. Wish me luck

I am still waiting to see if I can get orders out of Maryland. Sacrifice a goat for me

I went with a group today to take less fortunate kids Roller Skating. Rewarding, though I fail at skating/interaction with children

I am testing for Technical Sergeant in a couple weeks....
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aw that is so sweet about the roller skating with the kids!!!

hope all is well, jay smile
KoRn was awesome. Was not expecting that small of a venue.
My friend Sarah got her taste of her first rock/heavy concert.
I got punched in the face (long story) and falcon punched the guy in the temple. He had nice enough friends to drag his dumb ass away.

So not that I will get a lot of feedback, so mostly just random musing, and...
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You can gripe. I just put a chicken there because there were no kitty animations like my FB has . wink
KoRn tomorrow

Chelsi and cheesecake factory on Wed. hopefully

MIGHT MIGHT trade in for a Juke this week

Paintballing Thursday

4 day weekend

if I could somehow manage to get a blowjob in there, I think life would be about god damn perfect at moment.