Rainy and crappy out here today.. spending my time browsing music on myspace. Lots of great stuff out there that I would have never heard if I hadn't gotten on there today. I'm loving this indie rock and electro stuff!
So I was going to put some pics of myself in my profile but apparently over the past 8 or so years there haven't been many pics taken of me except for when I was deployed. Guess I should get a camera on myself while I'm still young!
Think tomorrow I will start the day with a trip to the lake to try and catch some fish.. That or head to the range for some shooting.
Ready for FRIDAY!!! Gonna start my morning off with Dunkin Donuts on my way to work. That'll be the best part of the day until I get off work! Looking forward to this weekend, not many plans but gonna mess around the garage and house. Maybe go for a ride if the rain stays away.