Work, too much work, not enough SG time. I work all day tomorrow and they'd like me to come in Sunday. Can you say "Office Space".

The worst part will be guiding 50 year old, higher level associates on how to perform functions they've already been trained on for years. And these people make 2-3 times my annual salary. mad

Anyone else feel overworked and underappreciated?
awww that sucks, yeah at my work during an instalation i feel like the only one working...why? because i am..everyone "wonders" off to go to the "bathroom" for an hour at a time...i don't care whats going on down there ppl don't need to go to the bathroom for an hour, every other hour! unless sick...and they my friend...so not sick.
I witnessed my first "zotting" last night. And I have to say that it was... oddly arousing, titillating and spooky all at the same time. I have no intention of going the same route, but I now have new found respect for the SG girls here. I cannot count the times playing online games was ruined by someone being an assclown. At least here there...
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I love living without a roommate. All the mess is mine. All the bills are mine, and they're surprisingly smaller. All the bathroom, mine. All the peace, quiet and well stocked fridge are mine mine mine.
There will be no more drug addicted, unemployed roommates. No more strangely timed bills, no more noisy street traffic blaring at all hours. No more sharing an internet connection...
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two heads wrapped in brown paper. midnight, behind market east station.
Standing in line to get into Turk's Head last Friday I was surrounded by five girls I met through a friend. They noted that the line was a sausage party and they didn't want to wait to get in and shake their booty. We split up and headed for a diner. It got me thinking. A guy surrounded by a bunch of other guys is...
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Thank's for saying hi. I think I have heard of West Chester. I have heard it's nice.
Just recovering from the SG Burlesque show at the troc Wed. My heart and brain are still shaking like Snow's cute little behind. Thanks for the performance ladies, you can spray me with beer and whipped cream anytime.
Adickt just resized my photo for my profile pic. Woo hoo! biggrin