Weeeeee! I love seemingly sourceless bursts of self-confidence! Figured I would boast about it because it probably won't last very long. I feel untouchable (in a good way). tongue *gigantic middle finger* *runs away*
Haha awesome!!!

Pass some of this self confidence my way.... thankyou very much!

: blush shocked
It's Sunday. 11:30 and I'm sitting on a train going to Princeton for a lunch date. A little crazy, but I've been known to do worse. My life is pretty loony right now. I am getting my tonsils out the 29th, so I've got that to look forward to! =P I'm subleting my room in NYC for the month of May which means I need...
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tonsils?! i'll bring you jello!
Strangely enough, I have met some of the raddest people I know at a couple of Eve6 shows. Ha! Good luck with the tonsils. But you get to have all sorts of sweet sugary things while you recover... your blender will be your best friend while you recover!
I am now not just mostly single, but just single. I feel a little bit played. But whatever, no real harm done, I suppose. It wouldn't be the first time in the last year, although I can say it would be nice if it was the last.
you should join the dating sucks group. its awesome. in that trainwreck kinda way.
i can safely say i will never play you. i'm pretty sure my gf would be pretty pissed if i did that and she at least wasn't around. tongue

but i hope you're taking it okay. if you wanna get outta the house and do something, its JackSkellington's last weekend in nyc next weekend. so on fri night we're all gonna go out to Three of Cups in the east village and do our thing. you're free to join us, if you like.
So, everything is pretty much the same as my last post except I have stopped going to the gym because I got sick. I had one day that was pretty scary lowwhere I could barely make myself eat and had trouble sleeping due to nightmares. That was really alarming to me because I am really good at both eating and sleeping! smile I've turned to my...
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dude...shes right about the man. or boy i should say! wink
friends are the breastest.
see you weds i hope! i heart you.
Gaaaaaaa....damn SG took a shit and dropped my blog...the one time I forget to COPY before hitting POST. Damn! Anyway. getting my hair done...very excited. I need to show it off later tonight so if anyone has any ideas let me know. kiss