Oh dear whatever sits in the sky, you have decided to follow me. Warning, I grew up on Ren and Stimpy and then moved on to Pinky and the Brain. Then decided to add sophistication by devoiring all of Monty Python. Not literally, as Graham Chapman had already passed, but most. 

Ren is my spirit animal, Dave.  I almost said literally, like a millenial.  And I have seen every piece of footage Monty Python ever made.  Including all of the Terry Gilliam movies (Munchausen, Monkeys, Zero T, you name it).  It seems we are very well met, @inkedodie ... perhaps a bit after the fact.  Plus you look like Shavo Odadjian lol.  Bump it 🤜🤛
Not the first person to make that comment. I tried to grow my beard out once to braid it. Didn’t work.