i love the way your colone smells on my skin and clothes even after i'm home.

i had a great time. thank you.

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
so my last update? ignore all of that; it was just my pre-menstrual hormones taking advantage of me. i dont want a boyfriend... all the time. sure, there are moments when i would like one. like when i'm laying in bed at night and my feet are cold. but all in all i'm pretty happy being single. my 21st year is finally livingup to what...
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so i think i might be becoming an alcoholic. i dont think that there was a night this week that i havent opened up my bottle of captain morgan private stock and gotten at least buzzed. but lately i cant stop thinking about past relationships and...
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Aww, nothing wrong with being an alcoholic. As long as you're not an angry drunk or let it control you're life. It's like any other addiction, you have to manage it or it will control you. As for not having enough sex...well, I'm damaged goods but I'd always be willing to provide. biggrin I always kinda wondered what it'd be like to have sex with another leo.
i'll offer to have sex with you too. but only if it'll make you feel better
so it's kind of odd how one small even can mess up your whole life for a little while.

sunday morning i'm sleeping and i get woken up by a text message on my cell phone from a guy i was seeing for a little bit over the summer. all it said was, "merry x-mas" nothing more, nothing less. but it got me thinking about...
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when i'm lonely
i lay awake at night
and i wish you were here
i miss you
can you tell me
is this something more to believe in
or is this all there is?

last night i had a dream
you came into my room
you took me into your arms
whispering and kissing me and telling me
to still believe
the very emptiness
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i spent the whole day with my sister today. we had a really great time. it's something that i dont think we've done since i moved in with her. i feel very accomplished with what we did today. as of late things in my life have just been getting better and better. i really love my job and i'm now starting to get some friends...
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hey.....sorry no write for a while....I work way too much and then i have all that family issue stuff to deal with too...so it's been hard...
It is nice to hear that you are feeling better about your life...strangely enough it did put a smile on my face to know that things were turning around.....
My sister in law and now my brother from LA has come out for the holiday...thus I got booted out of my room(brothers old room) and shoved into my old box of a place called my room....its been so long since i have slept there....i am about a foot longer than the bed and it is just not working.....good thing is that my mac is in there so i can do that and stuff.....My sister is home too from hawaii....her beau is in afghanistan so she is a worry wort but as long as she keeps planning her wedding she is ok.....but man i forgot how much she can be a pain in the ass(little sisters.... whatever )....oh well things you do for family....
hope to hear from you...i see you online but you come and go so fast it is hard to catch you....anyways....later
Hope you enjoy your holiday if i dont hear from ya.....

[Edited on Dec 23, 2004 6:04PM]
my wrok sched has been really hecktic as well. i'll work til midnight one night then the next day have to be up at 5:30 a.m. to be at work by 7. but thankfully after today that's all over with and we go back to normal hours.

it certainly sounds like you have a full house. we're having x-mas at might house and it seems like the whole world is coming. i'm def. not looking forward to it. but since i dont have to drive anywhere that means that i can drink and i'm sure that will help.

anyway... merry christmas and i hope to talk to you soon.

~itsabecky kiss
so on saturday the girl that i had a huge crush on in 10th grade come in. she was the most beautiful that i had ever seen in real life; my snow white. she had perfect, pale skin and the most beautiful, crystal clear blue eyes. but most of all she had the best stomach that i had ever seen on a woman. she alwasy...
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my older sister works for a 2 year college in new jersey as some sort of director or something or other or dean of some sort. regardless, she tells me tonight that she has this great student that is transfering to the same school that i will be going to next month and she wants us to be friends. at first i was ecstatic when...
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so i've been doing a lot of thinking lately about things. my friend situation mostly. since i moved away 2 months ago things have changed a lot more than i thought they would. i kind of feel like they're not my friends anymore and we just hang out once a week or so out of obligation. and as a result that makes me feel very...
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so tell me....how are you feelin? any better since you last entry? Hope you are... biggrin

skull bloodymic
I am glad that you are trying to look up....that is always the best thing to do....I do agree that talking is the best way to start, but embercrotchby boys is not the way....just not the way...but you gotta take it where you can I guess...It's nice to hear that you got to go away for a little, a mini-vaca is always a plus in my book. That is why I will just go off to minnesota or drive to indiana every once in a while....just to get away.

Funny you should say something about hostipals......I did have to go to one, but it was for my grandfather. He's got something wrong and just had a clapsed lung(walking around with it for 3 months too....) and some fluid removed. But they think there is more too it than just those things...they did a bone scan and a bunch of tests to check for cancer so...we'll see I guess......

Nice to have someone to kindof talk to isn't it??

skull bloodymic
so right now i'd like to say that i miss romance. but thinking about it, i dont think that i've ever had any. but right now i'm craving it. i want someone to let me fall asleep in his arms. i want someone to buy me flowers for no real reason at all; just because. i want to watch someone sleep and smile as they...
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You know....romance is a tough subject...I am glad that you hold a space for someone that you hope to embrace in that "void"...just be careful...especially since you are young...It can come and you'd not even know it....The best option is to take it as it comes and look for the best in everyone. It can happen. Just dont rack your brain and heart for it....Love life and it will someday give you someone that will love you like you love them....

I am glad for your happiness....keep it fun...

skull bloodymic
thanks for your positive words. it means a lot. i just wish that i was as happy now as i was when i wrote that entry. sure i have friends that are always there for me, but i never can see them becuase of the job that i'm so happy with. sort of a vicious circle, huh? frown