I recently "reconnected' with an old friend from high school. She's been living in Oz for the past 4.5 years, and is married to a dude from down under (though, she met him here in Edmonton, I think). It's been cool talking to her. Life moves on so quickly. She was the first girl I ever REALLY kissed (the girl in Kindergarten doesn't count)...and now...
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Thanks for the sweet comment on mine and dorsal's set biggrin
I went on the first first-date I've been on in a long time. It was...mediocre.

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't anything special. There was no attraction--a feel that I suspect is mutual. Our conversation, while not boring, was banal. We had a good meal and a decent conversation, and then parted ways after just under two hours.

I know it's a Tuesday, but I...
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I bought a new TV yesterday. As I cannot afford a flat panel TV, I bought a big ol' tube TV. Since tube TVs are fucking huge and awkward, I managed to damage my entertainment center as I lifted the TV on top of it. But, at least I have a TV again. Besides, it's nothing a little paint won't fix...assuming I can find a...
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Things are looking up again. Getting through the tough times are what love is all about, I suppose. Tomorrow: CUBA!
Sage Francis' new album Human the Death Dance is fucking incredible. Buy TWO copies when it comes out.

In other news, I smoked a nice maduro tonight, and then...a silent night.
Magazines: DWELL and GOOD. I will do some kind of review on them later.

For now, just know that I am in the running for a writing gig (online marketing writer). I'm hoping that I get this job for a whole lot of reasons, not least of which being that it will be a hell of a lot more interesting than the crap I do...
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I'm applying for jobs today. After spending some time revamping my resume, I'm now on to the cover letter stage. I've got two positions I'm trying for. One is a communications (assistant) position with a large trucking company. I've taken a look at the company website and everything I've seen is shouting, "Yes!" as far as whether or not I'd enjoy the job if I...
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I think I'll head to the newsstand tomorrow and pick up some interesting looking magazines. I will make sure that they are ones I've never read before. Maybe they'll be obscure architectural magazines, maybe they'll be political rags, or maybe they'll be trashy tabloids. I don't necessarily care what they're about, as long as they catch my interest. Maybe I'll learn something new, about a...
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Yesterday, my car broke down. As a result, I didn't go to work, which meant that I spent the day laughing my ass off at the city of Boston. I mean, come on. Wires and batteries are sinister? Shit, I guess my fucking alarm clock is pretty sinister then. I'd better call the bomb squad...there are a lot of things in my apartment that...
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I've been really wanting a pet, lately. Specifically, I'd like a dog. A big ol' mutt, like the first dog I ever knew. The old family dog, Buddy. He was a mutt we rescued (as a puppy) from the SPCA (now called the Edmonton Humane Society).

He was huge, but friendly. He was surprisingly gentle. He was an interesting dog in that he would...
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I have been away for much too long. Not that I've been away from SG, I just haven't been posting on this blog at all lately. Apparently, it's been more than a month. I really need to start using this thing more, and getting into the community so that I can discover cool things about music and art and whatnot.

Lately, I have felt the...
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Friday. Friday is the day. At least, I plan on it being the day. Really, I won't know if it's the day or not until the day is over and I either have, or have not, asked the question. It's somewhat unpredictable, this sort of thing. I mean, yeah, there is no "perfect" moment, but there is still a "right" moment. Or, at least, there...
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