I've had reoccuring teeth dreams for a long time.
Apparently, they're pretty common.
They still creep me out though. I have this thing with bones. Have you ever seen bone magnified? It makes me physically ill to look at it.
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was looking in the mirror and I could see that where my teeth had been there were now just holes. If I looked down into them, I could see shattered pieces of teeth and the jaw bone.
I was poking around them with my fingers, and talking to someone at the same time. All of sudden, I felt the left side of my jaw come loose in my hand, and blood started running out of my mouth.
I remember just thinking "Oh my god..."
I recently had a dream that scared me. It takes a lot to scare me. I was in some kind of factory. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. There were fires burning. I can remember the way the orange glow reflected off of the metal. I had a sense that I was in real danger. Something was stalking me, but I didn't know how I could get away from it. I didn't know what "it" was.
Eventually, I ran into this thing. It was cloaked in black cloth, about the size of a human. For a second I thought that's what it was, so I was less afraid. Then it lifted it's arm and the cloak slid away to reveal a skeletal arm. Not human. I didn't have much time after that before I was watching what happened from outside of myself in the dream. I watched myself get hacked to pieces.
When I woke up I immediately turned on the TV because I felt very alone and very afraid.
Given the choice again between a nightmare and Radio Free Roscoe...you know, it's a toss up.
Apparently, they're pretty common.
They still creep me out though. I have this thing with bones. Have you ever seen bone magnified? It makes me physically ill to look at it.
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was looking in the mirror and I could see that where my teeth had been there were now just holes. If I looked down into them, I could see shattered pieces of teeth and the jaw bone.
I was poking around them with my fingers, and talking to someone at the same time. All of sudden, I felt the left side of my jaw come loose in my hand, and blood started running out of my mouth.
I remember just thinking "Oh my god..."
I recently had a dream that scared me. It takes a lot to scare me. I was in some kind of factory. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. There were fires burning. I can remember the way the orange glow reflected off of the metal. I had a sense that I was in real danger. Something was stalking me, but I didn't know how I could get away from it. I didn't know what "it" was.
Eventually, I ran into this thing. It was cloaked in black cloth, about the size of a human. For a second I thought that's what it was, so I was less afraid. Then it lifted it's arm and the cloak slid away to reveal a skeletal arm. Not human. I didn't have much time after that before I was watching what happened from outside of myself in the dream. I watched myself get hacked to pieces.
When I woke up I immediately turned on the TV because I felt very alone and very afraid.
Given the choice again between a nightmare and Radio Free Roscoe...you know, it's a toss up.
like the new pic, as always.