My dive got cancelled due to snow. I thought the point of the whole thing was to throw myself into freezing water, but I guess that snow is just out of the question. Oh well, at least I managed to raise some money for charity. That means I'm a good person, right?
Gutted, have they rescheduled it?
Nope... Completely cancelled. They did it last minute too. We were at the gates to the park when they made the announcement. We were already cold and wet, and they wouldn't let us stay on te shuttle so we could just go back to our cars and go home.
Ive loaded my mp3 player with the loudest angriest metal I own. Getting the adrenaline pumping before my dive. Still time to donate to the cause...


I take the plunge at 3 pm est. Hopefully someone will take some pictures that I can post for you guys.
Still time to support me freezing my balls off, and the Maryland Special Olympics. Doing the Polar Bear Plunge tomorrow at 3 pm. Show me some love.

I'm jumping into the Chesapeak bay on saturday! I'm looking for sponsors and donations. The Maryland Polar bear Plunge benefits the Special Olympics... It's a good cause, so please, visit the link and give what you can.


Thanks in advance smile
Haha, aw, you called me a real anime character, that is awesome. Thanks for the comment on my new set in MR, "Office Pet", Its was sweet of you <3!
I'm not just feeling violent, I'm feeling overly violent.
Thinking about jumping into the bay. I hear it's cold this time of year.
I got it out there. I feel better, I think...
Basically boils down to bad timing. She didn't out right say that she wasn't interested in me. more along the the line of not being interested in a relationship at all. *shrug* I'm pretty fucking used to rejection. At least she was nice about it.
I don't know of another way to say this, so I'm just going to say it. She needs a good dicking.....::throws up arms:: Just SAYING!
How do I let someone know that I'm interested in them, when they're upset that all of her male friends are hitting on her??

I need a wingman.
miao!!ummm i would be blunt....just say " i know you get hit on alot ,but i would be mad at myself if i didn't let you know that i'm intersted" or something along those lines
Today is my cousins birthday. He would have been 22 this year. I miss him.
My PS3 is having problems. It keeps freezing up while I'm playing. It's getting on in years, but I really don't want to replace it. It's a first generation system, and you can't get new ones with the same kind of power. I'm really frustrated about this.
Had a rough week leading up to New years. I'll spare you the gory details, unless you really want to know. New years was a lot of fun though. Hope everyone had a good time. I'm hoping 20`0 turns out to be a better year than the last. So far, so good. smile