somedays i dont feel like i worked hard at all. today i feel like ive worked hard. ha. my legs hurt and my shoulder does too. i smacked it good with a pry bar. right in the spot where it will hurt the most. it wasnt really that bad but in that spot its gonna hurt for another day. ive been pretty mellow. not emotion...
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Happy Turkey Day! bok
Yes, I know..I've been a little more family oriented of late...had a bad swinging experience, PLUS we're broke...so those two things combined equal..domestic...very, very domestic...like crochetting and cleaning house domestic... biggrin
no matter how much you want your life to change... it wont change unless you change it. no matter how much you want someones life to change...it wont change unless they change it.

i want to go off on my own. im scared. my career is stupid. it relies on tests speed accuracy and meeting a canidate in person.

how do i find a job...
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You know....you have got to stop changing your name without warning..it's amazing I even figured out who you were! lol Sounds like you're having some difficulties huh? Vanny's brother is having a hard time right now too...his mom died last weekend and his wife just informed him she wants a divorce...and all right before the holidays...sometimes I wonder if life isn't just one big joke we're all supposed to just sit back and laugh at...but anywho...

I usually carve a pumpkin myself, but I didn't this year. My stem broke off so I decided to not even bother...you see...last year my stem broke off and I was drunk and apparently made a big deal over it...so this year Vanny picked out a beautifully round pumpkin with a nice long curvy stem for me...so I could pull the top off with ease this year....I went to a great deal of trouble to keep the kids from breaking the lovely stem off while in the grocery store....well...needless to say, my pumpkin got left in the truck...you know...four pumpkins and a bunch of groceries...one of them was bound to be forgotten...and we drove around with it back there and it rolled around and the stem broke off...SO...I decided I just didn't need to carve one myself this year...just the kidos...I don't even know where the hell my pumpkin went...I guess Vanny threw it away...hmmm...
fuck it all; fuck this world; fuck everything you stand for.
Happy Birthday!!! kiss
Can't help but think you must enjoy RATM?

Hmmm. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me...
my hand hurts.... note to self the air hammer kills.
too many caucasians. skull
kick me in the nuts... go ahead, everyone else has.

Sorry smile Its a continuation of the first yellow page.
work is picking up... but for how long?
i hate when i email/call/interview for job and no one calls or writes back. even when its "no thanks" id love to hear it.

vaya con dios, mi amigas.
Well, I DID comment, but I'm not drunk tonight so it's pretty normal! lol But I CAN say I spent a good period of time staring at her earlier...I luuuuuuuuuv me a big breasted curvy woman! biggrin biggrin biggrin
so work has really slowed down and as EPM can atest to ive been privatly critical of my bosses handling of this and he finally heard about it. hes puting out return for service cards in the mail but he gives them no incentives to come in. people love discounts. today i decided to go shooting. my gun is posessed. if not the gun but...
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BECAUSE! I have a routine damn it! LOL If I stop in the middle of my routine I'll forget what it is I'm doing...that, and it's not easy for me to keep up with a pen and a piece of paper while cleaning...I would end up laying it somewhere and not being able to find it again...and if I DID find it, I would have wasted even more time looking for it...and it's just a pain in the ass really...but I have tried that before.... frown
Yeah, and see...my boss doesn't quite seem to grasp the concept that I might actually have that list memorized and know what I'm doing! LOL But I guess I can't expect her to....we ARE cleaning houses after all...it's not exactly a glamorous job...so I suppose it's easy to assume someone would be cutting corners...but I'm OCD damn it! I don't leave a house until it's perfect! LOL

Yeah, I was drunk when I changed it to yinyang...I don't know what the hell I was thinking...I mean, I like the name yinyang and all...and amazingly no one else seems to have that name for some reason...but I've been using smallelaine FOREVER! So I just figured it probably wasn't the best time to go and change my username! LOL
Have you ever lived down in the ghetto?
Have you ever felt the cold wind blow?
If you don't know what i mean,
Won't you stand up and scream?
'cause there's things goin' on that you don't know.

Too many lives they've spent across the ocean.
Too much money been spent upon the moon.
Well, until they make it right
I hope they never sleep...
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yes it runs silly lol wink
so back in 2002, my first year out into the world, i went out i got laid, first trip from home, first time for alot of shit. i dropped almost 50lbs that year. it was mostly good times. ive kept most of it off and i want to get back to how i was then. im mostly there. all i need now is the motivation...
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did you go running today ooo aaa
the realtor's... but i hav a vette biggrin
ramblings of a interacial white man

not too much up with me. ive been working at the slowest shop in town. cant keep 2 people busy for 8 hours. well more like 1 person since i do the real work. my volkswagen finally runs and runs correctly. it only took the carb torn down about 20 times. i dont know what could have been stuck...
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Now look here mister...every time you change your name and then I pop over to your profile I get confused...it makes me think I'm losing my mind over here...especially at this time of night! LOL surreal But seriously....it probably wouldn't be so bad dating the MOTHER of the children...but being the girlfriend of the FATHER of the children is a nightmare! I mean she basically told me I am not their mother nor their step-mother and that I have no right or say over them...and yet I see them more than she does? So yeah...it's not an easy job, let me tell ya! lol
lol yeah... it explains it in my journal tongue