been awhile. i dont post on this site much. the good thing is that im in a completely different mind set since the last journal entry. i remember that night some time ago. but i dont belive im that person now. fuck was i bitter!?! anyways. music you need to buy...

murder by death- its like waking up next to cursive the next morning with...
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boy,im all over that already.
seen them twice and i have a HUGE crush on the pianist...
murder city devils rock also.

youre awesome.

noooo way!!!!
shes amazing....

why am i so doomed!?! im in a new relationship that is exactly like all the old relationships. and the only way i can connnect to anything real is by thinking back on past quotes and songs and movies. its like the scene in high fidelity... when jon cusacks character desides to rehash the past with his old girlfriends to figure out why he himself...
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Hey man that sucks... don't let the ladies get you down. You will find what you want out there... all good things to those who wait and that crap.
not that anyone reads these things, but why are women atracted to the lost causes... but the conduit runs both ways. because i want the girl who treated me like shit. its like that cliche' shirt i own says. "shes like heroin to me". ill be okay though. am i the only one that does not consider sg a porn site? i so desperatley want...
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