ho ho ho

and a bottle of rum. .

yes, happy holidays, with the merry making and what not.

it not my fault every time i play with you you get a boner ha kiss blush
i love talking with you, its alwasy so much fun, and hot hot hot!!!
is it me? or does everybody struggle to say something interesting on these things?
i wonder why i have an interest in trying to entertain people i've never, and probly' will ever meet.
i guess that says something about me. .
i went home this weekend .
in the house i grew up in, we had a tree in the backyard that put out the...
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The cool thing about being a communications major is that finals don't really exist. It's all papers and projects. And I did pretty damn well I think. Thanks for asking. biggrin

For x-mas I give you the greatest food in all creation....a virtual one anyway:

[Edited on Dec 22, 2005 5:08PM]
sounds like you had a romantic evening minus the romance, i'm still jealous wink
so, i slept with this girl that said she was an engineer for some bicycle co. and the next thing i know . . lance armstrong is waving his hands up in the air, wearing my penis on his head. .
wow, so does that make it a bad date?
forgive me for i did not know. .
that my hate was so much stronger than yours. .
i won't break your heart .

thats the best un sorry romance poem i've ever heard.

not mad at you buddy, i've been crazy busy, finals week here in college town. but i'm done now yeah!!!! smile smile
i'm the kinda person that doesn't like to stick to a schedule, i have to go go go. but believe me. my credit card companies hate me.
i remember doing the dishes, listening to the radio and hearing john lennon had been shot to death. . and i cried.
and then i remember that the next day at school. . all the older punk-rockers at anacapa jr. high were all depressed because darby crash had died the same day .
and i remember not giving a shit that darby crash died. ....
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You didn't even get to the pretty, dreamy part at about 1:45. Geez you gave it like a 1/6 listen. Lame! tongue
I'm on my sidekick so I can't link you,but do a search for it on Amazon.com or something, imsure it'll come up. It has a small sized guitar as your controller, with 5 buttons on the fret board, and it really is fuckin cool. If you (or your 14 year old!) love music like we do, it's a total blast, seriously!! biggrin
i better wait until tomorrow to say what i have to say; .

i'm completly .. freaked out

i got my drivers license back!

i feel the need to drink and drive again!

but i won't . .

i think
i have an acoustic guitar at the house, so when the kid comes over he rarely brings his amp and electric gittar w/ him.
so, it's been about 3 months, since i've heard his plugged in shit. ..
but he brought his stuff this weekend . .
and i listened to him for a bit. .
he's getting really good.
he's always known his bluesy...
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i like the bands you said, but prefer turbonegro, motosierra, nashville pussy, zeke and dwarves for new ones....
but i totally prefer listenin clasic rock n roll...., since chuck berry to radio birdman.

anyway we are not paid for nothing, uruguay is pretty different to live there honey.
so the kid's been in mexico on vacation w/ his mom for the last week. .
if anybody knows me, i think you know we've been divorced for like 7 years ? *shrug
anyways , he was supposed to be back on tues. , but i called and when nobody answered i figured, they must of got in late. .
so i call his mom's...
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hi, actually we dont have any cd or vynil yet. and of course we never went to your countrey. we are so faaaaaar....

but of course, we rock, fuckin rooooock, and we need some label help maybe. cause it is very good (to hear and see) what we are doing. did you enjoy the video?

you can download more mp3s here.

and see more pics here.
musicians pretending they're actors.??

musicians doing what they fuckin wanttt, fuckin with a bloody bass and meat.

and we are rock n rollers, musicians sounds like shit.


if i was 17 instead of 37
i would
knock over a row of motorcycles . .
good god how bad I want to do that.

i have to laugh

i bet you i'm closer to my family than most 37 year olds!

i think i've been going about this 'finding a girlfriend' thing all wrong. .

well. . other than never 'ever'...
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i'm anti-semantic
everything about me screams love, lust, anger, fear, pity, hope, dreams, apathy, empathy, cruelty, discipline and disappointment. .
i've decided i'm too punk to have a real job. .
fuck health insurance benefits. .
i'm tired of pretending to try.
i'm tired of trying. .
i'm tired of pretending. .
i haven't been in a fight in a long time.
i'm too old...
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and your services don't go unnoticed.

hope your holiday was good. smile