I went to a Cherokee Flute Making class today. It's weird to be adopted and know nothing about your biological family. I didn't know I was a native for 25 years. lol Anyhow, this is the flute I made with the help of the amazing and talented Charlie Mato-Toyela. When my google video uploads I may or may not put that link here. lol...
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sweet! looks like you had fun too. biggrin
amazing pic! hehe. and it wasn't blue cotton candy, but a blue lollipop. wink hehe.
yay... you don't have the plague! *cough* wink
Our kitty loved boxes, then decided that the bed was much better. Fluffy as hell now.
I don't update here because no one comments. There's a chance no one reads and/or gives a shit, in which case this is a waste of time. But in the rare event someone should wonder, that's why.
i still read it hon!
I like your member name. A LOT. love
When a person irritates me because they're an idiot, I can move on. When they downright offend me, using both idiocy and sexist shit, I don't take it well. I delete them, I put them on ignore, and if the little scuz finds a way to comment to me here I will go ballistic. The complete retard asked what a gynecological exam is. *slap* I...
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As we were smoking the peyote, I began to wonder a lot of things. I began to wonder if Chief Running Scared really was an indian. I began to wonder if what we were doing really was legal on the reservation. I even began to wonder if the medicine man really was, in fact, a medical doctor. Then it occured to me: Yes, yes he...
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I was drying my face off, after washing my hair, and yanked my nose stud right out. *takes a bow* The weird thing is, I got it right back in with no issues. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since it was pierced. It's healed. *blink* My hair's coming out in nice sized chunks, I can't get well, I'm exhausted 24/7, my skin's a nice...
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Sleeplessness... sucks. Especially when you think it's about 2:00 in the morning and check the puter clock only to realize it's closer to 6:00 and that you're too restless for sleep. I'm beginning to wonder if a person can die from exhaustion, or if the body will give in before that could happen and just crash.
Amen. I even avoided a much-desired nap today in hopes of getting to sleep early tonight. Yeah, riiiight.
To explain, for the less-informed. Jeff is a drummer. Since he bought me the mad lovely mad "Not tonight dear, I have a modem" post its, I bought him a sucker that is also a drum and whistle. Now he can blow and beat it himself. It being his cock.

Gods, I hope to never have to lower my I.Q. in this way again.

*singing* ha ha...
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i find it kind of funny. not that he got you the card as a reply to the sheets, he clearly didn't! but that card is just SO geeky it makes my heart flutter. i LOVE geeky!