my amazingly beautiful friend Khyd has a new set up for hopefuls. go check it out, she's gorgeous.
Very sexy set she has.... Hahaha I sound like Yoda
man i can't stop playing mass effect. so ready for 2 to come out on the 26th. too bad my ac/dc fundamentals class starts on the 27th. i hope the teacher makes nothing but ac/dc jokes the whole time.
ah, That's why I want one... so I can't break it... mechanically speaking... I'm sure I'll drop it or spill something on it, just because. Math/Chemistry is a game for me, so I understand on the whole solving a puzzle complex.
so i let my account run out and just when i was thinking about renewing someone bought me three months. whoever did i love you. i've missed sg.

in other news life is good. got over nikki and been dating different people. it didn't hurt nearly as much as my first love so i guess people are right when they say it hurts less after...
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so she broke my heart. i'm single and i feel awful about it. i hate that it happened. i thought she was the one. i saw my future with her. i was so happy.

it's all been taken away now. i feel so confused and empty.
know how you feel boss man, the woman i saw my life with walked out of it a month ago and my heart still throbs for her.

*sigh* chin up, it'll hurt for awhile but we'll get through eh?
haven't done one of these in a bit.

well basically i'm in love with a girl in schaumburg, il. i've gone to see her twice now and it's just amazing spending time with her. i've never been so madly in love. she's so fun and silly it's impossible not to love her.

i see her pretty much every day on webcam and i still get...
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she is one lucky lady. wink
thanks tongue i think i'm the lucky one though.
i'm so scared. i have a long distance relationship with a girl who i'm madly in love with.

i'm really bad at relationships. i'm very emotional when it comes to the person i care about the most. i would describe myself as the opposite of what a woman looks for in a man. i cry and talk about my emotions maybe too much.

well anyway...
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yuck.. shitty situation. LDR are really hard, no doubt about that. If she is even open to something with someone else than she wasn't fully with you to begin with and ultimately it could save you a lot of wasted time to find out sooner rather than later (if that is the case.. hopefully its not). That really doesn't help with the emotional aspects of heart ache if that does happen.

Oh.. my husband is really sweet, and kind, and honest, and shares his emotions freely. I love and look for those qualities in a man.. so I have to say that you can weed out the women who don't deserve to be with someone like you simply by identifying what they are looking for. Chin up, you are clearly a nice guy, and women (not dumb girls) look for that in a man (read:man not boy!).
i actually should have posted. i went to see her and it was the greatest weekend of my entire life. i'll post another blog about it soon.
well i haven't posted in a little bit so here we go.

i've fallen in love with a girl near chicago that's almost 800 miles away and we've never met in person. i always made fun of people who had these types of relationships and always told myself i'd never let it happen.

it happened, and i have never wanted to be with someone so...
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So after having one of the best weeks of my life, it has been completely ruined. Apparently when I paid my credit card off the day before it was due somehow it didn't count it and charged me with this finance fee that made me go right back up to the max on my card. Of course I spent some money from what I paid...
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i'm not in love with Watchmen as much as i would have hoped. even if it was accurate. like i feel that it was the most accurate adaptation I have ever seen. Unfortunately that wasn't enough to impact me like the Dark Knight did. The acting was really good. So much of it was scene for scene, even line for line from the book. Yet...
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so i found her and she is in high school. made me feel weird immediately. oh well, moving on. just aced an accounting test today and finished my C# and Java mid-terms tonight after the raid. Finally accomplishing something in college. things are going well except for the lack of cool people in this city outside of my group of friends.

oh well 930 am...
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as much as i would FUCKING LOVE that... i have no hair... and the wigs always look cheap.
well this was an odd valentine's day. i did some of the usual stuff i do every day. saw taken in the theatre. was pretty good. lots of liam neeson bad ass stuff. went to eat at one of the usual places with friends. but there is where it changed.

i saw one of the most beautiful girls ive ever seen there. we made eye...
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im already brainstorming!
WOO, sickness almost gone, now I just have to blow my nose all day and I'll be fine by tomorrow hopefully. sore throat is nowhere to be found.

so weird being up before noon though.

i downloaded deftones - saturday night wrists on a recommendation from shannondanger and I'm quite pleased. it's a really good album. i haven't listened to deftones in forever, i might...
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Thanks for the add
hahah i know it feels like a lifetime to me!