Burning man is approaching quickly and apparently on Sunday there is a giant tomato fight in Reno! So excited and I think I'm going to have pink hair. And I am 25lbs lighter than I was this time last year. Hooray!
Hey, how are you? Do you still have pink hair?
What is the proper etiquette for when you're at an orgy and your boyfriend pulls out of you? Where do you cum? What if some gets on the sheets and leaves a wet spot? What is protocol?
Someone takes it in the mouth!
According to Taboo you get in on the tummy. Some in the mouth. But hey who cares right?
I want to go urban foraging. Anyone know how in Los Angeles? I also want to do one of those bike rides where they look for perfectly good food outside of grocery stores. This week, I'm reading "the art of eating in: How I learned to stop spending and love the stove" by Cathy Erway and that on top of being cheap is inspiring me...
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I am reading a book called the story of stuff by Annie Leonard and it's pretty eye opening in terms of the value we place on our goods and just how devastating all our consumption habits really are.
Working in a Halloween shop has been awesome! And I think I just spent everything I earned on 50% day.
Burning Man was super awesome and now, I must sleep.
I wish I were at burning man. you lucky lucky duck. biggrin
I'm going to burning man for the first time this year and I'm really excited about it!
I might be going vegan but can anyone tell me why my rice is sticking to the bottom of the pan?
Lucky lucky.. I have missed everytime someone has asked me to go. Just get a beach cruiser and just go with it. Rice sticks while you are cooking it from scratch? If it is from scratch you should stir when it is at full boil then down to simmer after that. If you are making some rice dish then use veg stock or water when it is stuck.
Why is it so hard to find a roommate in Los Angeles? If anyone happens to read this and knows of someone who needs a place to live in Los Angeles send them my way. kiss
try craigslist? I mean roommate or College campuses
So I'm obsessed with saving polar bears and the whole conserving energy thing right now partially I admit because it should also save me some money.
So far I've started turning off the water in the shower when I shave my legs, changed all the lightbulbs in my house to compact flourescents, try to remember to lower the thermostat when I leave the house, increased...
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Happy Holidays! kiss
So, I think I'm taking a big ol bus to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. If anyone has a place to shower or would like to show me and my friends around that'd be awesome. Or knows a good spot to park a big ol bus then, let me know.
I have been slacking off on yoga but, I quit smoking and I am in...
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Well...you know I go every year to Nawlins for Mardi Gras!

Too bad you're in love.

Actually, I'm glad you're in love--but you know what I mean.
come support john luis, one of the best roommates ever.

"modernizing the classic silent film 'metropolis' with his sick dj'ing skills"

plus drinking games with me

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My long time friend is realizing one of his life's dreams and I need everyone's support to come out and help make it successful. Seriously, this should be a good time so,...
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kiss wink
I heart the Nuart! I used to go drive ot LA form SF just to go to the Nuart with friends!
I've registered get get SCUBA certified. By myself. I'm terrified, I don't normally do shit like this by myself. I want someone to hold my hand and my hair should I feel the need to puke... puke
So how's the SCUBA class going GA? I saw your post in the Dive Group. Having fun? Got any questions?

When is class? I'd love to learn SCUBA