Ok, so here is the deal; A weekend in late November at the Cliffs outside of Chadron, Nebraska we are hosting a bit of an SG buddy get together. I'll further cement a date when everyone interested lets me know about their availability. This is going to be a bonfire cookout, complete with scary stories and S'mores. This is completely open invite. If you can...
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“What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction.” - Chuck Palahniuk. A small reveal of my plainly all too hopelessly romantic (and equally hopelessly deprived) side.


There are two things absolutely guaranteed to make me weak in the knees about any woman, and even at least appreciative of some (very much SOME) men. Those two things are a gorgeous, delicious, sexy, enticing voice (especially singing) and an undying and challenging intellect that can keep me interested. UNF.... want. lots of want. Alice Fredenham's voice got my attention today and I have...
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Maybe that's why i scared men off, an unpleasant voice and i'm always talking about poop. 

Good food cooking in the crock, and music keeping Zora and I entertained with melancholy, faceless company. Living alone starts to wear on you after a while. I haven't spoken a word aloud in a few days and a friendly face is a person passing by without so much as a word or a nod. Books keep me sane anymore, sort of.


As I was nominated by @colchicine, I present to you Zora, my monster:

I nominate @potheadsuccubus and @whiskey_ for this rather random "Pet Selfie" post.

so cute and funny dog!!
hahaha amazing pic! Loved this dog! Thanks for sharing it!

To all of you Mothers, Moms, Mums, Mas, Madre's, Mamas, all other assorted nomenclatures for the women who brought us into this world!