holy shit jarhead kicks ass. all in all a great performance by everyone, jake gyllenhal and the other dude(the crazy guy, can't remember his name) were fucking incredible. and yes, jaime foxx once again proves he can act like a motherfucker! the cinematography was incredible as well, especially the oil field scenes. KICK ASS!
swiss chocolate is the key to any woman's heart. i'm gonna see if thats the truth tomorrow with kendratongue time to give the ol' lindt store a run for it's money! love puke (god bless you kyle!)
"I'm BLEEVING!!!!!!!"
Nick, wish you were here for #22. I'll never forget the good old days of "spying" and sleepovers. Miss ya, kid. frown
since the frown implies saddness, i hope you feel better soon smile (<---implying happiness)
today was fuckin' awesome. i woke up, went into philly to take the view camera back to school, and then decided to take out a digital slr from the cage. so, as i was getting into the elevator, laura calls and tells me that she is dropping color theory, and is on the adjacent elevator heading down to the lobby. so, we decide to go...
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Shcool is cool, kids! but yeah, i am definitely loving le school. i have one class where the teacher is a brainless smacktard, but i think that will add to the class. according to her, if we are worried during the breaks, she will take our valuables. good ol' aurora gold(yes, that's her name). myspace...it's not just for breakfast anymore. on friday, my photoshop prof...
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this is my response to an article written by some liberal douchebags who think that all sg models are prostitutes. have at ittongue

here is the link: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/07/293267.shtml

i have held off posting until i read the entire thread(took about an hour), and i finally came to the conclusion that you don't have any semblance of reasoning power. i am not flaming you, i...
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yes i do
Okay just checking.
"You know what relationships do? They make one person go 'blah blah blah blah!' and the other person is like 'What the hell does that mean?' and the other person goes 'blah blah blah!"

if you haven't seen 40-year old virgin yet, SEE IT!! funniest movie of the year by far. steve carrell is so much funnier than will ferrell, because he can pull off...
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well...it was good while it lasted.

jess is no more. according to her, she "doesn't have time for a relationship". or a phone call. or anything except hanging out with her best friend. she didn't even have time to say more than "have a nice day" when i visited her at work. so yeah, kinda figured it was coming. i just wish she had been...
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ibrahim ferrer was one of my favorite musicians. i bought his cd when i went to spain.(yes, i know he's from cuba, but whatevertongue) i played that album incessantly for the entire month i was there. ibrahim was one of the few people that could make anyone feel guilty for complaining. he never had a frown on his face, never bitched and moaned about...
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the spell can only be broken by true love's first kiss. YEAH, like that'll ever happen!

oh wait, it did.

tonight was just as amazing as the other nights, but ended even better. NO, GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!! when we got back to her house, we were standing on the porch talking, and jess noticed that one of the plants had started...
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