A couple more weird dreams today.
I've been abstaining from alcohol and coffee the last month or so, along with the diet/exercise regime.
It's been over a week since I broke up and I was jonesin' for some sake left in the fridge but instead I took a couple of OTC unisom sleep tablets about 11pm. I was out by midnight and didn't wake up until 11am from the first dream.
I was with my recently broken up girlfriend, her mom and my 93 year old uncle.
It was this enormous restaraunt/hotel/nightclub type place with lots of old luxurious burgundy furniture. I left my uncle in one place for a while and separated from my girlfriend. After walking around this restaraunt place it suddenly got more crowded. I was walking through crowds of people and couldn't find my way back. Some parts were like an empty lobby, some parts were like wild nightclub. There were more and more rooms I hadn't seen before and I couldn't get back. I wondered why someone couldn't keep track of where I left them. At one point I found an old calendar or card or something. This some let me communicate with my aunt. She started talking to me as if it was some kind of phone.
I said, "Aunt is that you?" I clearly remember her voice, "yes".
I asked "where are you?" There wasn't any response. I ask, "did you move?" In kind of a dissapointed voice she says, "Yes".
Then I realize that my aunt is dead. So I start to think who is this. For some reason I think it's my cousin (in jail real life) with a group of her female friends playing a trick or con.
The dream ends.
All day today I kept waiting to get inspired to go out but I didn't. I did do some cooking and paid some bills though at least.
About 6pm I felt like taking a nap.
I had another weird dream.
The main part I remember is that I'm driving a motor home with an entire house attached at the end. I'm driving around and I'm not sure where I'm going. I'm not fully dressed, like I have no shoes. My vision in the dream is all fuzzy and blurred. I realize I'm not wearing glasses. I'm driving around with enormous house and I don't know where I am and I can barely see anything.
Finally I pull in into a driveway and get out of the motor home. The house keeps rolling and wedges up against some concrete structure.
I wonder how I'm going to get back.
I woke up feeling angsty and kind of anxious.
I decide to workout. Henry Rollins was very appropriate for the moment.

So now I'm sweaty and my blood's flowing.
I've made some emotional transmutations.
It brought back some adolescent feelings.
atlanta? what's this talk of atlanta?
i wish the VD would go away! it's the 15th now!