Here's a relic I found in my room, a kind of "todo" list:
1 Wake up at 8am
In bed by 12am or 2am at the latest
2 No: fast food, greasy crappy foods
except chineses w/ steamed rice
and veggie burrito
3. No: dope, more than 2 beers, more than 2 coffee
4. Take care of mail
5 Journal
6 Some form of exercise, stretching, meditation
7 No TV except for specific shows to watch
1. Make place presentable enought to
have someone over for dinner
2. Computer projects
programming /sysadmin scritps
Linux docs
3 Pick some good investments
This goes back a few years. You can tell by the "pick good investments" it wasn't anytime in the last two years. This around 99/00 actually.
I'll dissect:
The getting up early and going to bed still kind of applies. I think I just got used to getting less sleep. I still stay up too late for no good reason.
I ate too much mexican food back then.
I worked out for a while lost 10 pounds. Went off it and then gained it back plus 5.
It's those people at work taunting me with donuts now.
Wow, I was really strict with myself, only *2* beers a day. Ooh.
At that time I was drinking beer daily and smoking a lot of pot too.
Something happened since then, I totalled my car. After that I vowed not to drink for a year at least and ended up not drinking for almost two years. That was a good thing.
The dope smoking dwindled away too.
Now I'm pretty light, a bottle of wine over the weekend or something. I now could imagine totally quiting which I couldn't imagine back then, so that 's good. No more pesky social life to get in the way.
Coffee though is more than ever, 4 to 5 cups.
I still let mail pile up for weeks at a time out of procrastination, not lack of funds.
"Journal"? Hey, I'm writing in one right now!
Not really though. That would be a good thing to do actually.
I wrote in a journal for about a year when I was going through some heavy shit breaking up way back.
I think I'm too emotionally numb and busy now to do that.
No, I should really.
"Some form of exercise, stretching, meditation" - the perennial topper of my lists.
I've always felt best physically and mentally when I've done. Why don't I keep it up then? *flagellates self*
I must have watched too much TV back then with the dope. Nowadays, that should be replaced with not too much internet related time wasters.
And the goals... they were kind of cheesy.
Clean the apartment? Yeah right, it's always been a mess. It's even worse now.
Finding this todo list among the junk from four years ago is testament to that.
Then there some random computer crap, blah, blah whatever.
Actually I have done a lot at work, but nothing on my own time though.
Getting my web site together is still on the list to-do, lame.
"Pick some good investments".. har, har.
Pre-bubble, nuff said.
Note to self: SG entries too long filled with too much mundane detail; too self-involved/cryptic.
Keep it down to 3 lines and use emoticons.
1 Wake up at 8am
In bed by 12am or 2am at the latest
2 No: fast food, greasy crappy foods
except chineses w/ steamed rice
and veggie burrito
3. No: dope, more than 2 beers, more than 2 coffee
4. Take care of mail
5 Journal
6 Some form of exercise, stretching, meditation
7 No TV except for specific shows to watch
1. Make place presentable enought to
have someone over for dinner
2. Computer projects
programming /sysadmin scritps
Linux docs
3 Pick some good investments
This goes back a few years. You can tell by the "pick good investments" it wasn't anytime in the last two years. This around 99/00 actually.
I'll dissect:
The getting up early and going to bed still kind of applies. I think I just got used to getting less sleep. I still stay up too late for no good reason.
I ate too much mexican food back then.
I worked out for a while lost 10 pounds. Went off it and then gained it back plus 5.
It's those people at work taunting me with donuts now.
Wow, I was really strict with myself, only *2* beers a day. Ooh.
At that time I was drinking beer daily and smoking a lot of pot too.
Something happened since then, I totalled my car. After that I vowed not to drink for a year at least and ended up not drinking for almost two years. That was a good thing.
The dope smoking dwindled away too.
Now I'm pretty light, a bottle of wine over the weekend or something. I now could imagine totally quiting which I couldn't imagine back then, so that 's good. No more pesky social life to get in the way.
Coffee though is more than ever, 4 to 5 cups.
I still let mail pile up for weeks at a time out of procrastination, not lack of funds.
"Journal"? Hey, I'm writing in one right now!
Not really though. That would be a good thing to do actually.
I wrote in a journal for about a year when I was going through some heavy shit breaking up way back.
I think I'm too emotionally numb and busy now to do that.
No, I should really.
"Some form of exercise, stretching, meditation" - the perennial topper of my lists.
I've always felt best physically and mentally when I've done. Why don't I keep it up then? *flagellates self*
I must have watched too much TV back then with the dope. Nowadays, that should be replaced with not too much internet related time wasters.
And the goals... they were kind of cheesy.
Clean the apartment? Yeah right, it's always been a mess. It's even worse now.
Finding this todo list among the junk from four years ago is testament to that.
Then there some random computer crap, blah, blah whatever.
Actually I have done a lot at work, but nothing on my own time though.
Getting my web site together is still on the list to-do, lame.
"Pick some good investments".. har, har.
Pre-bubble, nuff said.
Note to self: SG entries too long filled with too much mundane detail; too self-involved/cryptic.
Keep it down to 3 lines and use emoticons.
So, was your girlfriend a psycho bitch?