First off, happy belated birthday :) Second, I've been browsing around your blog posts on here (and your photo set, which is STUNNING <3) and I have to point out a few things. 1) I am genuinely glad things are turning around for you. 2) Your ex is a douche, and I'm a guy so that's saying something. 3) If I lived in your town (and if I wasn't already taken lol) standing you up would NEVER even cross my mind. I don't do shit like that, and those who do are not worthy of your attention. 4) It is SO refreshing to see the "70's look" in erotica these days...I applaud you for being one of the "hirsute" girls, because in my opinion that is sexy as hell. Seriously, for those who think bushes are gross, I think it's gross to be bald as a cue ball down there, because, to paraphrase David Duchovny, "I want to feel like I'm [having sex with] an ADULT." (It's from the pilot of Californication, which was just about the only episode I ever watched of that series, and "giving cunnilingus to" was in the original quote where you see the bracketed words I just typed. But since I have never done that or anything else with a girl, I figured just plain old sex would be a good place to start.) Let's see, let's see...Oh, right: 5) I also believe that the oceans, as well as the environment as a whole, need a helluva lot more TLC from humanity than we care to admit. That's all I can think of for now. Peace and <3!!

Thanks for your support! :)