Ok, I'm about to get the hell out of Utah. Probably driving back to Atlanta solo so if anyone wants company for a minute let me know. I'm up for meeting anyone and everyone biggrin

If you're interested in company for lunch let me know!
Well shit.

Turns out that school is starting 4 days sooner than I had planned so I have to haul balls as fast as I can to make it there by January 3rd (I'm leaving on the 2nd).

Good times.
Well dammit.

I figured it was about time to fill this blank spot with something, even if it really was nothing all that interesting.

I\'m leaving Atlanta on January 2nd and heading to Utah for school. If ANYONE wants me to stop by and say hello along the way, let me know. I could use a few good places to stop and grab some food...
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Someone needs to update. You know I never would have expected to find you on here for some reason.
Eat, drink, and be merry before you get out here.
And good luck.
Yeah, that is the only benefit to not dating Liz. If I could choose between the two though, or anything in the world, I would choose her hands down but I don't have the choice :/