I've been resting the past couple of days. As a result my fever went away.
Today, I actually got out and went shopping. I got some GOOD food at Whole Foods! Hummus lives! I'm eating humus for the rest of the week instead of cheese for the first time in months.... Yay for organics! lol
I also saw the Jane Goodall Chimpanzee movie at the...
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Aww, thank you for your kind words. You're very sweet. Good to hear your fever let up. kiss
I've been getting sick. Running a temp between 99.1 and 100.5 degrees for the past few days. It's not up into the 101's. I'm feeling tired and fatigued. I made an appointment with my rheumy to get the ok to get back on my NSAID. Fucking A autoimmunity SUCKS.
Other than that, I'm doing OK. I went to a concert last night. This guy was...
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I'm incapable of sleeping that much, I think.

6-8 hours is my norm. Once I'm at that point I just wake up. I'm not opposed to the occasional nap however.
Possibility Dream

There was a man, and a woman. The woman was blonde, and the man was dark haired. I first saw them on the news. My friends and I were sitting in a restaurant, and we saw them at a table. Then we all went with them to a place through a wooden door, underground. We stayed there. Somehow the man put his seed...
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Yep. That way when things turn out well, I can be pleasantly surprised. If they don't, well, I told you so.

I don't see why many people think it's a shitty way to look at life. Hell, I'm pleasantly surprised 80% of the time. smile
Ahhh, I can see how it can be read that I was looking for some for myself also smile The end bit was just quoting a song that I have drilled into my head on repeat :o

Thanks though biggrin
Hey there.

I hope you are all faring well.

I'm happy because I found out that the referral from Mass Rehab is going to go through. My case worker's email is down, but he's going to fill out the paper work and I should be contacted by the employment referral guy within the week. He's going to see if there is anything available that he...
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I applied for two more jobs today. I had a panic attack last night. It was the first one I've had in my life. I was worried about Peter.
Today, Peter finally called. He relapsed and he might go to prison for petty thefts of cough syrup, and for assaulting cops - two things he does when high.
It's a hard day, but less so...
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Ehehe, fighting is much more of a sport than anything else in my opinion smile It's much more specialized, and takes a lot out on the body. Combat sports rock biggrin

And so does Neuroticfish smile

I've had lots of time to fool around too, but I've spent most of it in bed trying to recover. I think I'm getting sicky. Ick.
I can't just delete this. So I'm writing this message and posting again. Thanks.
I hear that some (truck) drivers read books while going down the road. Frankly I don't know how in the world they could pull that off. But books on tape or CD are certainly nice (and safe). Personally I don't think I could do this job any more without my Sirius satellite radio. I've had it for... must be 4 years now, and I'd consider it a necessity to my sanity.

This isn't really a very good photo, but this is the tattoo on my right forearm.

You're definitely right. And today it blew up past just improving wink

Instead of just defensive with the occassional offensive, I was more like a panther. Played it stealthy for the beginning of rolling, and then went for the throat. Over and over again. First day in which I submitted multiple people by more than just chance and simple mistakes being made smile Very proud biggrin

And your artwork is fantastic. I love it. I've always had a thing for faeries though biggrin
I drew a fairy today, another one yesterday. Did pastels of green man and sun faces. Did a painting of a woman reclining against a tree.
I also upped my 10 gauge ear piercings to 8 gauges.

My roommate is dating my friend. Both are cool people and both are happy to be together. I kinda consider my roommate my friend now anyway, so it's...
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I have a green man face incorporated into my Thor's Hammer tattoo on my forearm. Not my original idea, but I liked it enough to have my tattoo artist draw it up. Came out pretty decent, I think.
I had some relationship troubles, and talked them over with good friends. That is where good friends become indespensible. They helped me to realize that it's bad when you're already over-stressed and no longer attracted to your partner, that is when it's time to ask yourself whether you even have chemistry or connection to the person in question. So I called the guy up, and...
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So what do I do? I'm in a relationship, one that started overnight, that I don't want to be in. I'm exhausted and it hasn't even been that long. I've made a huge mistake and I don't know how to correct it. FUcK!