I am enjoying hearing the pitter patter of the steady rain on my steel roof. I like the weather today its not cold but overcast and interesting. I love summer but its nice to get a break in amongst those 30+ days.
oh my, i'm discussing the weather........ eeek
cooled down rather dramtically here too,its great,bring on autumn i say, and the footy!! as much as ive enjoyed the A-league there's somethin kinda wrong about watching football in the heat.

well,i got to the Corner last night for the Mark of Cain gig.SOLD OUT!! meh,nevermind.saved myself a few $.
I need some fast money. any ideas? have already considered and dispensed of ideas involving balaclavas.
Fruit picking? Temping? Stripping?

Hey, I could be a wrinkly old man who just wants a nice girl to send nudie shots to!! Nah, really I'm middle aged and I've been told it's huge wink
(don't worry, I'm joking)
Sydney, you?
hot, sweaty, moody and lethargic. Bring on that cool change and let there be storms with thunder and lightning....
Of course... I love checking out other artists' work. If you friend has a site, I'd love to see it!
Hey sweetie. The weather is sooo humid here!
Oh, and thanks for checkin' out my site.
It's birthday was 1st of December so she's just a baby smile I'm spending so much time nurturing her that I really do feel like a new momma!

Did ya leave me a message on my guestbook wink

And to answer your question... I've seen 6ft Hick once. they're cwazy!!

Big hugs to you!

I went to a fantastic exhibition the other night, a friend who calls herself Clara Tzara does clever things with Barbie Dolls..... it was so good to go to an exhibition and actually hear people laughing! There was no snooty high brow nonsense, just a diverse array of people, good music and lots of wine and great art. I never drink wine normally, but you...
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thanks smile
well no, i haven't been playing up, yet.. um, these mates are trying to steer me away from this girl.. theyve done alright so far...
sounds like that night was worth it tho, a good crowd at something like that makes a great night.. an ex had some talent in that sphere..
we plan to be doing alot of sailor/rockabilly type jewelry in the future so def. expect to see some anchors in there.
This year i am gonna go to the gym at least three times a week, am gonna try and stop taking shit so personal, and am gonna try and be a nicer person.
Well, I dropped all of my preferences for Beauty Services and made library studies my number one preference...after a quick chat with SATAC today it has been established that my first preference for library studies is "active" (apparently that's good and I shouldn't worry, mainly because there are still places left in that course) How has your week been progressing? Busy? Did you get my email?

[Edited on Jan 04, 2006 4:50PM]
We should meet up, shouldn't we? smile
oh my godfather...
I surprise even myself at how silly i can be sometimes....went to the beach today (38 C) for a couple of hours and didn't slip slop slap and now i'm lobstered like a fucken aussie christmas. I just soaked in a cold bath for an hour to try and stop the burning feeling on my back but it is still there....now i...
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Thank fuck thats over for another twelve months. Christmas day went swimmingly and Christmas night was kouka...went to a great party and saw lots of friends i rarely get to see and partied way too hard.
Had a second round of family hooha on boxing day and thats when things went pear shaped. very pear shaped.
oh well 2006 is gonna be better i can...
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The whole family stress thing over Christmas makes it not worth the effort...I'm sorry yours didn't go well on boxing day.
My son and I are going to stuff our faces (again) on New Years smile
Have a good one! kiss
that does sound like a good way to start the year.

thanks for popping up in my journal.

nope it's not me in the pick, it was taken by a indy-journalist I corresponed with for a while when I was in Oregon. I like it, but considering the chaos that is protest, I think it would be unlikely to ever find an actual shot of myself... You know? Found one online about five years ago, but it was to obscure...
not much to say.... am all tuckered out after braving christmas consumer madness today, just bracing myself now for family christmas 'cheer'.
and thinking on what to do for new years...part of me itching to get out and party since i've been such a hermit of late, but another part is keen to skip town and head for the coast with friends or alone for...
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whatever you end up doing, have a great christmas and new years babe wink
I can't beleive another shark has been spotted only 500 metres out from the beach.
There goes my summer filled with carefree days at the beach!
I know its the sharks home but why are they coming so close now! they never used to .....must be all the commercial fisherman clearing out their stocks of feed.
those bastards!!
Hi there and thanks, I am Vodka Socks, I am a superhero....

I'm in Perth but I'll be in Melbourne for a while as of the 27th Dec....

Sharks hey..... I always wanna go "burly" up the section where the kiddies swim.. Nice Mr Sharky eeek
hey, thanks for dropping by my journal!. I live in Manhattan right in the middle of NY City. It's definitely an interesting place to live. Though I would rather be in Australia right now, as it is quite cold!

Good choice on Nina Simone . . . nothing else is quite as relaxing.
My family is so fucking wierd and wired. Last night was the celebration dinner for my uncles 60th and if it was a prelude for Christmas then we are in for an interesting day on Sunday. There is so much latent hostility that at the reasonably fancy chinese restaurant, when a fight broke out at a nearby table, just about every one at our table...
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oops....that was sposed to be posted in someone elses journal!

[Edited on Dec 22, 2005 6:44PM]
No, I work way out North..but it's worth the drive, great people to work with and the customers are alot more interesting.
I think we should definitely revive the idea of an Adelaide hook-up in the new year...if you survive your Christmas that is!
(I couldn't resist, I ate the Cadbury's Roses...not quite how I remember them)
Well, well....it never rains but it pours round here, literally AND figuratively. I've lost sixteen kilo's and when i returned home after a week recuperating at my folks, i found the results for my STAT test (the test to get into uni) and was astounded to discover that i blitzed it and made it into the top percentile, beating 99% of field. I was further...
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Yeah, I finished a Bachelor of (Indigenous) Archaeology at Flinders...completed one third of honours...hated it...went to UniSA to do a post-grad in Information Studies (a fancy wanky title for librarian studies)...completed one quarter of it...hated it! tongue
I've applied for a Cert 3 in Beauty Services at TAFE for next year (fingers crossed, there are only six places being offered). That's something I've wanted for a long time.
The Indigenous studies centre at UniSA (Yunggondi?) is really good, if you get Wendy Nolan, Sid Sparrow or Keith McCon-something you'll have a great time. Very nice people. Wendy does contemporary social issues stuff and has alot of personal experiences that she shares...really brings alot of Indigenous issues to life.
Yes! Bill Edwards gave a couple of lectures for Sid's course, he is the cutest little old man! He has a good sense of humour...
I am familiar with the Findon road, Main North oppies (both very, very good) but am unfamiliar with the churchie one on Henley Beach road...I don't often go to churchie ones anymore simply because alot of them are shopped out and they have funny opening hours. There are two Salvo's on South road which are fantastic, the Glenelg/Brighton ones are good also as is one in Hallet Cove. Christies Beach is great, best jewellery and they sell everything...I was in there once and this tiny old man came in and enquired about walking frames...and they sold him one! They have alot of 70s light fittings and stuff you won't find elsewhere...Magill Salvo's has good clothing as does Port Adelaide and Elizabeth. In case you can't tell, I'm addicted to Salvo's...I like the way they're set up like a huge rummage store, they have alot of range and you're more likely to find something. I need a fix at least once a week blush
Enjoying sunny weather relaxing at my folks place and thinkin i gots to get more active around here to really get the most out of the site.....
Trying to be positive about christmas, i'm usually a scrooge and really don't know what all the fuss is for, but i'm looking forward to all the family being together, my grandpa's gettin real old , we'll probably...
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i dunno why i didn't get tickets to the sydney show, prolly cos of motley crue.. i dunno.
yeah, the whole thing this time of year.. may as well try to enjoy it. it's gonna happen anyway smile
good luck with the stranger...wink
hope your feeling lots better.