In bed, playing with my computer having just screwed a hooker, who is still in the bed sleeping next to me. What does that say about my life to date, after 5 decades I am at this point, paying for boom boom and listening to cliched responses? I cannot even figure if this is good or bad, or simply expedient. Having said all of that...
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I was contacted a few days ago by a former girlfriend from the Thai city of Surat Thani. She is young, cute, smart and sexy, and she wants to see me again, even though I walked out on her last year. Why you may ask? The reason is that her job keeps her busy 12 hours a day, and I grew tired of waiting around...
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Now in the 'historic city' of Sukhothai in northern Thailand. Five centuries ago this city was the capital of the first Thai kingdom, now ruins, a world heritage site, and tourists. You can spend a day here. I used a bike to get around, dozens of temples and palaces, large and small. Hot, sunny, fun, lots of water and shades. What is left is the...
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It has been a while, but here is a new blog post. Not sure who is going to read this, but I cannot blame anyone for not reading. My later posts were not that exciting, and it has been quiet a while, as I stated earlier. However, here it is.

Still in Thailand, been travelling in south east asia for the past few months: Malaysia,...
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i always wanto to meet Thailand
Shit. A year older. Thanks to everyone who reminded me.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Well, indeed. Now in Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Fun city, 2 million people, 1,000 cars and 10 million motorbikes (that is how it looks). Staying in my fav guest house 1 street back from the Mekong River. This means paying $20 a night, not $200 (dumb ass tourists), and a slightly smaller room, with less glitz.

Spent the last week plus in southern...
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Glad you are having a fun time. Take lots of pictures for us to see when you return.
Err... the flow chart was a joke... I never thought anyone would take that seriously.
All my blog posts are about travel, that is just me.

I am in the southern Laos city of Savannakhet. A city of, I am told, 120,000 people, but I do not belive that number, maybe 1/4 of that, or perhaps the stat refers to a larger area outside the city itself?

Sav stretches along the Mekong River for about 3kms and inland 2kms. French...
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Thank you for the birthday wishes. As you can see by my latest blog, my leg is feeling better for some unexplained reason.

Yes, I'm getting older, but refuse to give in to it.
Happy Birthday!
Been in the resort city of Pattaya for two weeks. R&R, a pleasant spot. Been thinking of what is next. Planning a trip via Laos to Cambodia and some time in Phnom Penh. Leaving in a few days.
Why ty. smile And er... well, y'know. The internet is a strange and wondrous place of the weird and whacky and the even weirder sites that will gather them for you.

R&R sounds good. Enjoy your next destination!
Wow! You go to so many exotic places. For me, an exotic place is New Jersey, lol.
Now spending a month in the southern Thai town of Surat Thanithe city of good people. Not the most exciting town in Thailand, but it is a pleasant spot by the river, I know of a great hotel here, low cost, good facilities, friendly staff (which is to say, they don't laugh when I mispronounce the Thai language, and they play the game of throwing...
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Hmm! I guess Ender's Game is pretty bleak when I think about it, but somehow I found it very inspiring. I was attracted to the strength in Ender I guess. I liked the relatable struggle, in a broad sense.

Ty for the well wishes. smile

Glad you're enjoying your trip. Are you on a holiday?
In the city of Pattaya, in eastern Thailand. Yes, Pattaya has the reputation of being a 'naughty city', where sex is for sale. Staying at 'Secrets' http://www.secretspattaya.com/. Been here before. Catching up with a few old friends, generally hanging out.

The beach, on a deck chair, sipping a coconut, is a pleasant way to spend a few hours, with a book, neck massage, feet scrapped...
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Looks and sounds like a nice place to visit. I could certainly use a change of pace from my everyday grind.
Maybe I can make a video having my friend Jeanette use a bunch of hair brushes on me and endorse the one that she can hit with the hardest without having it break. The hair brush company may reject it, but it sure would be fun to make, lol.