i hate paying bills....it is such an unwanted drag....

ive been saving up now for about a year or so....and i only need $5,000 more dollars for a down payment on a house....i figured that buying a house would be far more beneficial for me in the long run that renting an apartment....so ive been looking around for a quaint little hole in the ground...
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!! smile
je t'adore! love the new pic is lovely, doll
i went to breakfast this morning with the first boy to ever break my heart....we had lovely conversation about everything and nothing....its always interesting to see how college can change a person....chris is one of the few that hasnt been changed by it....that makes me smile for some reason...

we sat down to eat at dennys around 9 or so and didnt leave until 12....we...
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i had an interesting halloween to say the least....enjoyble in most aspects....hmm lets see what were the more noteworthy events that took place....hmmm...oh oh oh....my little brother franky paid me the biggest compliment....for halloween he dressed up like me!!!!!!!

oh he was such an ugly ugly girl....haha....it was great...i put him in a short black dress and black fishnets and he wore black tubesocks and...
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oh that is a shitty shift. damn. im sorry.

last night i dressed up as an orthodox jew. Not in a fake beard kinda way, but in a for real kinda way... i was passing out dreidles the whole night. it was tons of fun. There something funny about people who feel compelled to make sure that i know that they too are jewish... i was like... and i care? i guess its kiiiiinda cute. whatever. wink

Hey eyesoopenned1412,

Like the new pic! So those are your old glasses in the pic? They look good. Love to see a pic with your new glasses, too!

I agree with your post on my journal. Rabbits are wierd creatures. Ever see Monty Python's movie Holy Grail? With the killer white rabbit? Yeah, they are all probably like that. :-)

Kids have always been dumb. Parents have to look out for them. That's the problem. Parents are not teaching their kids like they used to do.

I'm glad that jason liked his present. If things work out, they will. If they don't, they don't. I guess I'm trying to say, don't sress over it. You did not do anything wrong. It is not you. You are not the reason that things did not work out. You can do everything absolutely right and still have things not work out how you want them to. (Boy, that sounded like a big downer! Sorry!!!) (I did mean for it to come across positive!)

You are doing good. You have your head on straight. You are not in the drug scene any more. You are trying to improve yourself. Just keep going. You will be so happy one day that you will look back at this time in your life and laugh.

Have a wonderful day!
was i your one hit wonder
or was it the other way
songs of forgotten angst
pent up sex in power chords
that knocked me out
do you still hum my name
when youre in the shower
or in your car
my heart fell to the pavement
that night you let me know where
i stood, sat, slept and fucked
just your whore was good...
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*blush* that's the sweetest message ever...thank you for warming my heart on this chilly hallow's eve... smile HAPPY HALLOWEEN LOVELY!!! *kisses and tummy tickles*
Hey eyesoopenned1412,

I am glad that my opinions helped in some small way! You are most certainly welcome, pretty lady!

I liked your poem. Don't feel bad about posting. Life intrudes sometimes. We all knew that you had stuff that you had to get through. No prob!

Glad you had fun with joey and jordan. Was this an attempt to push jason out of your heart? It's not pathetic to still care for jason. Hope you care for him forever. It just did not work out. Doesn't mean you have to turn your feelings off.

Today was day 101. Keep up the great work! Take care!
i got home from work this morning and fell into my bed and im just waking up now....a whole day of nothing but beautiful sleep....i feel better...physically anyway...

i fell in love with jason and i shouldnt have...he doesnt feel the same way for me....he just wants someone to hangout with occassionally and to fuck...normally this wouldnt bother me at all...in fact i welcome relationships...
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do you have braid extensions? i saw some girl that resembled you on the bus the other day. smile
I'm just wondering how you are doing lately...
im not really all that sure where to begin this post...

life just kinda spun around 180 out of nowhere....you know its funny i actually thought things were beginning to look up....i guess i was wrong yet again...

im not really in the mood to delve into my heartbroken pathetic problems at the moment....dont want to bore anyone either i suppose....

i need to stop...
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hey little one.....what happened...this wasn't about the boy was it...Josh.....the drugs......something else?

e-mail me.....or call.....we can chat if it will help......

love can be great...

yes, vacation...get in the car and drive....

I'm here to HELP!
Hey eyesoopenned14121,

Hope things are looking up for you today! :-)
ive been sick....extremely sick....all i want to do is curl up and die right now.....i checked my mail for the first time in like a week yesterday....blah....you know whats sad though....i still worked my normal 40 ours....it fucking sucked....but i need to save up money and so that means no calling off......i wish i could make this a tad bit longer but im exhausted and...
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i HATE not being able to call in sick.
that's the worst feeling ever.
as if feeling sick wasn't bad enough.

make sure you drink lots of good tea.
and soups.
and juice.
and water.

*big warm hugs*
feel better soon.
are you okay? any better?
ah so yesterday....what an awfully interesting day.....this might be a long post...so if there is no one who actually reads it through i will not be hurt...in fact i will understand completely...seeing as my writing isnt always the most vivid and attention grabbing...

i woke up saw the frost got all happy blah blah blah...those who read yesterdays post already know this so i wont...
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hello again, doll.
i hope you're taking care of yourself.
damn, that story makes me wish i had someone in my life.... ugh... dont wanna think about that...

your right not to want to socialize with someone who contributed to your drug problem. dont listen to him. i dont blame you for not wanting to go to a funeral. Ive only been to one, and thats enough for the rest of my life.
there was frost on the ground thi morning when i took my dogs outside....i wanted to do cartwheels i was so excited....the air smelled so crisp and cool....each drag from my cigarette was enjoyed more than the last....i in a way almost feel relieved that summer is just about over and winter is on its way.....im so much happier in the winter, underneath my sweaters...
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I love the cold weather and cold weather clothes.

You know college is not for everybody - even for many intelligent people. If you are happier with your decision then that is what is important. You know - I went 7 years of college and law school and often wish I had not.
I think I made the wrong decision because I'm not happy with the way things turned out.

So - you piant - then you will paint me something on canvas right??????? With browns and tans and burnt orange tones and burgundies??? And I will pay you for it and pay for shipping - right?????

And yes - if you are in Atlanta - I will teach you chess.
Yes, college is a love/hate relationship for me. Its different for everyone. I love to learn new things and I love the way that you can model all manner of things with mathematics, but I like to take the time to experiment and I hate to memorize for the sake of memorizing. The one thing I would suggest, however, is do not use community college as a gauge for "real" college. I've done both and they are quite different with respect to work expectations and material coverage.

Most importantly, do you want what college will provide? Will going to college fill a proverbial hole?

At any rate, take care smile

i am...a girl with grey/blue/yellow eyes. an artist. creative and quirky. a bad speller, but yet fairly well read and intelligent. overly sarcastic at times. never melodramatic. outgoing and friendly. conversationalist extraordinare(a good example of my lack of spelling ability). passionate. sensual and sexual. vegetarian and owner of 2 adorable dogs. spontaneous. cudlly and loving. a gas station attendant and not all that proud of...
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yes, yes...a daughter I love so much.....I don't mention her much becuase a) I am protective of her and b) it seems to scare off new people - friends, potential dates, girls - for whatever reason....and I am a great daddy - thanks - what other dad let's his daughter paint his toenails???
ahhhh, you are lovely...stay real love, that is obviously one of your greatest strengths... as for the sweet jason love...well, it is insanely frightening to reveal oneself, and yet...regardless of his thoughts or reactions..you are just as lovely and splendid...he can only compliment this in you...but if, somehow (truly unbelievable) soesn't see you for you...well then, that in no way means that you are not just as fantastic...excuse this soap box rant...just wishing you the best...and i am all too aware of the experience of others holding too mush power over my own experience of self... i hope that you dream of flying...and don't stop when you realize just how high you're capable of flying....