"Absence makes the heart grow fonder", or so they say. Not me though, I stick with silence. Oh silence and I! We're like... um... well... we're like this.

My action for "this" honestly pure awesome. Sorry you guys have to settle for text. But hey, it's italicized text! I'm all about that extra bit of OOMF, just for you. Only you.

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discordant imageries running full throttle.
oomph in the bargain.

yesterday someone told me these words:
i wish i was queer so i could get chicks.
a paradigm as exquisite as you.
happy holidays. get stuff.
be merry. well, actually be lucidity....lol
too too much work hon -hugs you tight-
yeah be well. <3
My hand is alright, well kind of. One of the fingers is screwed up, but will heal fine I'm sure.

I have a job interview tomorrow! 10:00 a.m. interview, ugh. It's kind of strange, the interview is with one of my best friend's cousins, who happens to be a family law lawyer. He's also a partner at the firm. He's the one I'm being interviewed...
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you still kicking lass? it's unlike you to stay away from your journal for this long... hope your okay though andi hope that your holidays working out for you. email me or something. end my worries...k?
just chop the fucking hand off.

you could have a hook! or maybe fix a pizza cutter to your stump.

i missed you. sorry i was a dick back in september and quit all shittily and all. i'm back though. signed up for a year of sg happiness. hope your hands okay. i hope the move that you mad into that house you liked so much worked out for you. and you are not as much a hermit as i am... nah nah nah nah nah nah. all i do is work and come home. my one and virtually only freind is getting pissed at me cause i never come over, but i just don't feel like going out when i finally get home. all i wanna do is stay in with my kittens, my computer, my grub, and my music and live a life of happy solitude.
i even threw an isolationist party. it was great, bought a cake and a hat and one of those blow things that make a weird noise. had the lady at wally world put ftw and an anarchy sign on the cake. then me and the cats had cake, and peanut butter panic ice cream. people at work were pissed when i told them i was having an isolationist party and when they asked if they could come over i explained to them the meaning of isolationist. i laughed. they gave me fucked up looks. it was beautiful.
anyway. over the past couple of months i have been doing some mental tidying and i have to say it seems to have worked well. but all the while my mind kept straying back to you and my blog. i had one on live journal and still do. it has two entriesd in it. it just isn't the same. anyway. hope you forgive me for my sparatic insanity of the past. i would very much like to talk to you once again. i wrote you a few emails but you never wrote back. so i stopped. anyway. i am glad to be back and hope you feel the same way. i would like to put you back on my freinds list if you wouldn't mind. please comment back to me on my journal if you would, if if you would like to extend a hardy middle finger and tell me to screw off. either way. you rock and i need to check out your web site. later.

ps. that's right. i still ramble on...lol
Welll.....Im not from Winnipeg...and things are happening in Calgary that I need to be a part of, so thats where Im headed. I still have a lot of shit here to take care of, so Im planning on spending a week or so in Winnipeg every three or four months. And ya, you can come with me if you want. I think your house would be somewhat pissed at you for ditching it so soon after buying it though.
Somebody put something in my drink

Another night out on the street
Stopping for my usual seat
Oh, bartender, please

Tanqueray and tonic's my favorite drink
I don't like anything colored pink
That just stinks...it's not for me

It feels like somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink
Somebody put something
Somebody put something

Blurred vision and dirty thoughts
Feel (out...
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that was me that took the picture!!!!! Kidding, Im on my way for that lunch.
i like drinks
I tried my best to get a decent picture of the jeans - to no avail. My camera phone currently has me locked out of all applications and browser items, so that's useless. My old digital camera is a hunk of crap and can't take a decent shot to save a life, another option which is useless. Out of THREE webcams, none of them were...
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The wind was HOWLING last night...all night.

Im on floor 24, so it blows up here. I was in bed, thinking I should sleep.......ahh..there it is, put the book down, remove glasses, shut off light.....close eyes, and sleep....what the? Why am I INSTANTLY wide awake? No worries, the book is good, I'll be cool tomrrow...Read more....wait to fall alseep.... And repeat all night. Finally I was out at around 5 30....but had to me up at 6 to do 1.5 hours of photoshop and get the shit to my lab for printing and delivery. Now I should be tired....and I feel weary...but sleep is still distant. Rather than worry about it.
though....Im thinking Ill work on Sundays shoot and be productive.

Oh...maybe you should find some photographer to take pics of the jeans. Just a thought.

[Edited on Nov 29, 2005 9:53PM]
wait when are we having linch??!!
My ears are just a tad numb... it's chilly out when that wind hits you.

May write more once I can feel my hands.

Well now I can feel my limbs again and I've eaten a hearty meal. Mmmmm sammich and salad.

My ex is bitching about the jeans I bought the other day. Apparently they shouldn't be worn in public. What the hell? Is...
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rodvito....he speaks the truth.
sammiches are an amazing invention and can be made from anything. the other day i spent about 20 minutes making one - toast two crusts, spread on tomato puree, a little mozzarella, then grill again, a thin spread of pesto and sprinkle of lemon juice.
i know sound horrible, but dammit's so good. tastes like pizza.

The wind here is pretty vicious sometimes too. There was a hefty kick behind it the other day, I know how you feel. Not to mention the snow, and tiny shards of ice blowing in my face.

Anyways...I'm thinking you need some pictures of the pants. To send to me. shocked
I am drunk. I also have bacon cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets. I am completely happy, for now. kiss


I really, really, REALLY want to shower. I probably need it too. If my friend would hurry up and stop by to pick up her I.D., I could take a shower. Showering is such bliss. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Um. Juiced Up alligators are yum. So are...
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the URL link isnt working....but check it out, its worth it.

[Edited on Nov 26, 2005 10:01PM]

[Edited on Nov 26, 2005 10:02PM]
AMEN!!! A Subway sandwhich!! Hello idea....I think Im gonna have subway for supper tonight.... being able to appreciate the little things make life SO GOOD.
I cannot leave here, I cannot stay,
Forever haunted, more than afraid.
Asphyxiate on words I would say,
I'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue.

There are no flowers, no not this time,
There'll be no angels gracing the lines,
Just these stark words, I find.
I'd show a smile, but i'm too weak,
I'd share with you could I only speak,...
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wow, that was amazing. i hope you are okay. and i hope you had a good thanksgiving
I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

I don't care if Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
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Well shit......anytime I feel sucked dry by the creativity gnomes....those little fuckers that come and suck the creative force out of your ears at night...I go out with someone who I know is a creative person and talk about doing a colaboration. these days its always a model..well not a model, but a gorgeuos girl who is amazingly creative....Vanessa...her pics are in my journal posting right now. When we get together, shit gets going.....forget about fires, its a fuckin atomic bomb. In fact...tonight we are hittin some new sushi joint on Corydon to figure out this weekends shoot. Im thinking something on a big fuckin white horse, her like a medival princess or some....argh. See, it was almost gettin lame.....Trust me after tonight, Il have it down. Im amusiong myself here...sorry for the long post!!!

Anyways, if you ever need someone to fuel your fire a bit, come hang out with me or us sometime. I live for colaborations...
i know the feeling.....i wish that everynight
I quit my job on Friday. Ho-hum.

It's somewhat odd though. I quit, but they still gave me two months pay, my remaininig holiday pay and put on my Record of Employment that I was let go due to a "lay off", in order for me to collect Employment Insurance Benefits. I have enough money to get through at least three months of bill paying...
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Call me crazy...but I want it to get colder...I want the river to freeze so I can skate on it. Nothing like skating to the forks on a Sunday morning and getitn breakfast and some shit to cook sunday dinner with from the market there.

Actually, fuck that, I hate the cold.

Thanks for the compliment on my work....I love takin pics. NOTHING is better than seeing an idea come to life. Im telling you, the realationship I have with some of models is amazing....Vanssesa started out as someone I met at a bar who I asked to pose, now shes an amazing friend. Im lovin life.
Crazy. I'll be in Winnipeg with no job in January. Maybe we can start a commune. Or a crime sindicate.
Yesterday I had rented an uber big moving van to assist in my friend's move. This morning at 12:09 a.m., while I was sitting in the van waiting for someone, a guy slammed right into van. He was parking (illegally) in front of the space I was in and slammed right into front end of the van. It was like he didn't even see it....
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did he see you in the van you think?
Should've called in a hit and run. Even though he technically hit and walked. Literally.

There's a great story about a time a women in a Lexus SUV backed out of a spot in front of my old work while my manager was out for a smoke. She backed right up onto the front-side panel of the car, then just took off tearing the panel half off as she came down of it.

My manager wrote down the license plate and make of the car, and found the owner of the damaged car. He called the cops, and the cops came in a couple days later saying that the woman had not only denied she did it, but denied that she was even at the store.

We told them that not only do we have video cameras at the doors, but (it's a Blockbuster) we have her account on the computer and can tell exactly what time she rented and left. The times matched perfectly with the time of the accident, of course.

The police then said they couldn't find damage on the Lexus. We told them how it went right up on the car, and that the back of the Lexus is curved, and any damage or paint transfer is likely underneath the car (where the cops didn't look). We said to let us know if we could do anything more.

We never heard back, so some dumbass woman out there probably got charged for hit and run and possibly obstruction of justice.

Good thing you're ok though. You never know how things can turn out the way some people are.

[Edited on Nov 08, 2005 10:48PM]
I keep changing my entry for today. Deal.

I look much healthier today. Yes, I did sleep last night and part of today. Sleep feels so strange sometimes though. Almost foreign and never satisfactory.

I bought "old man style trousers", as my best friend puts it. Yes, trousers. They're hot. Hot in an old man kind of way? Is that wrong? Pictures will follow shortly....
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good luck with that biggrin
hmm , skeleton soldier nice, but we want more pics of you.