So, the kid I'm totally in love with, you know, the one I talked about earlier in the week? He asked me out on a date!!!!! I'm going out with him after he gets off work tomorrow. I'm super stoked!


Sooooooooooooooooooo hott.

Sorry, I'm all mushy and shit. I haven't had a crush like this in so long and to be asked out by...
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Thanks, babe! Good luck with the boy! kiss
im hanging out with my crush this weekend too, yay for crushes!!!
I just talked to Rob for like 5 hours. He told me he was going to bed and then didn't for another 2 hours because he just kept talking to me. I really have a big crush on this kid. Like, wow. I'm glad that my first real crush in ages is someone so great.

Evy: Well, give me a call or text or something...
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Crushes are so fun. Especially when the boy's worth it. wink smile
ahhh!! new pics are absolutely adorable!! You look hawt girl!

I totally just developed my first crush on someone in a really long time.

I'm totally in like, kids.
i met my crush this weekend & had a blast with her, me is happy!!!
Lots of new pictures in my "ME" folder. Feel free to check them out. wink


I bleached my hair last night and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I may either leave it like this a few days or put the pink in, I'm not really sure. We'll just have to wait and see what I decide. The anticipation is killing me! Okay, not really....
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woah...love the new hair, makes ya look smokin hott!
nice hair biggrin

aww hehe yay for you and chris. hmm. yeah well do it just let go. live for today. enjoy the moment the euphoria. worry about later.... later hehe
yeah hang out and have fun dear.

hope mommies day was fun biggrin

and congrats about the weight smile

Wow, I didn't realize it, but Allison, you were totally right! One entry I'm saying I wasn't planning on having sex anytime soon and in the next I'm saying I just did. Damn.

Makes you wonder what my definition of soon is.



I do so enjoy meeting awesome new people, and I've met a few recently and that makes me happy. First I...
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Smoked, drank coffee, and had sex twice.

I think that makes for a pretty good night, wouldn't you?


Soooooooooooooooooo... turns out I may have needed those condoms afterall, I had sex tonight. Twice. Pretty soon after each other. That boy was insatiable. And fucking amazing! And uh... you probably didn't want to read that, did you? Well, too bad. I'm on a multiple amazing...
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An over whelming majority of you told me I should ask for my condoms back, but I'm afraid that ship may have sailed since I'm pretty sure he's already back in Rochester, my condoms in tow. Bah! I guess I'll just have to rely on whatever person I'm having sex with to provide them. I guess that's okay though, makes it free for me and...
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i'd call ya, but im shy!
So, we broke up and I thought it was a bad idea to ask for MY condoms back, even though they weren't cheap, because I was afraid of implying I was doing someone else but now Steve has a new girlfriend, who I knew he would get with, and I want to know, is it still in bad taste to ask for them back? I...
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Pretty good night tonight.

Went to Jennie's. Chilled. Went to her freaking hott neighbor's apartment and smoked with them and drank some really good beer. I can honestly say that those were two of the hottest guys I've seen in a long time and they were so damn nice. Josh was a wee bit too metro for my tastes, but Rob, I totally would have...
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Creative title, eh?

Anyways, I feel like reviewing what changes I've undergone since coming home almost 2 months ago.

I feel happier, in general, than I have in the longest time. That's not to say I'm a happy person again, yet, but I have more good days than I used to. I smile more, but not like I used to. I'm getting closer to being...
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ya know, i used to be allergice to dusts & molds. even had to get a shot every week! i pretty much outgrew that! but lately, something has been up! been sick twice in the last couple months, plus i have this lingering cough that doesnt seem to go away! and im almost positive it has something to do with allergies!
but ive already been to the doctor twice in the last couple of months!
I have alot I want to update on, including my car breaking down and me getting stuck on the side of the road, but I'm feeling way sick to do that right now.


18+ Survey
Sin and excess
An adult survey. Be honest. If you aren't honest, what is the point?

1. Ever been to a strip club?: Can't say I have.
2. Ever...
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1.) no. But at my age and with brothels being illegal still, its on my list of to be done's.
2.) ... who's counting again?
3.) Never. Though I've came close.
4.) Yes. And I still walked my damned self.
5.) Yes. Regardless of holding alcohol well, too much can sometimes be too much, and oh boy was that ever too much -note- do not mix beer before liquor and after four pitchers and some shots decide you are hungry and eat a burger....
6.) No. And I can honestly say I likely never would short of large sums of money or the affections of immensely attractive female being involved afterward.
7.) Yes. But.. heh. We won't go into that (see number five.
8.) No sadly -sigh-
9.) That would be so romantic -sigh-. No.
10.) No. And those seats are woefully uncomforatble. And I really don't feel like going to jail for that. Sides, too little privacy, I'm not that fiesty!
11.) Ew. No. I can't even stand looking or peeing in a public restroom, no damned way I'd get full on naked in one unless it was a damned clean ladies room.
12.) No. I've never worked wink
13.) No. The bitches closed the fucker before I could (stupid bible thumpers)
14.) No. But oddly enough I've had money raised for a real doll in college. ...it felt about as real as it looked...
15.) No. See above.
16.) The only ones that I had (or that attempted to.)
17.) ... Too many to list.
18.) No.
19.) No.
20. I'm male. I sure hope so. Of course the aliens could have put in really small saline implants but that'd be one hella ugly bad flat titjob tongue
21.) My only two kisses WERE from strangers. One is still a casual kindasorta acquaintance.
22.) .... 16 I think. I don't remember.
23.) No. I've no desire to either.
24.) Too much so.

I hate these things :p but fuck. I'm bored. and stuff.
These last 24 hours have been the best I've had in a really long time.

Jennie, I love you so much! I'm glad we got to hang out. It's really been way too long and we need to do that more often.

Sooo, a ton of alcohol, two bowls smoked, shirt shopping, gay man, two packs of cloves (yeah, I think I'm addicted again, oops),...
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