Work....what can i say about work? Well everyday i hate it more and more. Its mainly due to the people and their lack of work ethics. Mainly their lack of intelligence save 2 people. Ive been listening to Ani Difranco and this quote keeps comming to mind:

"Maybe you dont like your job, maybe you didnt get enough sleep. Well nobody likes their job, nobody...
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Indeed i am keeping my emotions in check this time. Its hard, but im trying to distract myself with other things so i dont worry as much. ((*AFter posting about my day, i will elaborate on this more*)). Seeing as how my face has completely broken out, ive got that to worry about.

work was a pain in the ass. It took every fiber of...
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I feel like lard. I really do. I feel as if ive done nothing besides sit on my ass for the past few days. Which is the truth considering that i had 3 days off in a row. Its after midnight and i need to be getting to bed soon. I have to work at 12pm through 9pm. I need a new job desperately. Ive...
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Sounds like you had fun with Page smile
I commute to work, and it really sucks, and the gas prices make it worse. Hope you find a better job (I'm looking for an alternative to my current job also).
y'know, i love the area of town im in, i really do. But i dont like living across the street from a hospital. It didnt really bother me before tonight. I dont suppose id paid much attention to things(which doesnt surprise me). But damn, ive heard about 30 sirens fly by within the past hour. Its flippin annoying!!!!

So in other news...here are some pictures...
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looks like a fun weekend.
Im not quite sure how to put this. I guess when a person is going through that time in their life when they are "finding themself" they learn how they are and all that junk. So i suppose that im finding myself...trying to stay out of denial. Admitting all my downfalls, setbacks, and problems. Lets just say that Im having mixed feelings. I feel like...
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Earlier today i was feeling alright. Now im feeling very melancholoy. Its funny how a song can change your mood in an instant. Deadsy's songs "Flowing Glower" and "Future Years" are the most important songs to me. Although they arent my favorite songs, they are the most dear to me. Im in such a somber mood at the moment... *shrugs* i feel almost as if...
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At the moment, im taking my makeup off and puttng my jammies on. I just got back from Jeffs house. Gawd it felt like forever since id seen him last. We watched a Clint Eastwood film and ate dinner, and then had some more Superman Ice Cream loaded with sprinkles....because thats just how we roll. Lmao, im so dumb. Anyways, i have to work tomorrow...
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i am soliciting opinions...if you get a chance, stop by my journal and give me your opinion on my delima. i need some serious help!

rick ARRR!!!
She was the only good thing about the cosby show.
Sure a delicious treat! wink
i am so sleepy! and stressed out from work. When i get up i will go through an in depth update. All you need to know for now is that Clinique can bite my ass. Everyone turned on the Full-Of-Shit-O-Meter through the visit and it was the most disgusting display of fakeness ive ever witnessed first hand. More in depth update tomorrow though..sheesh.......... mad skull

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Wow, do tell. I've never dealt with Clinique people, but their ads are plastered everywhere. It would be interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes.
work was shitty again today. Jenny came. They are freaked out about the visit tomorrow. They're takin' bets that Marilyn isnt going to be there too much longer. A month tops. They're starting to see that i may not be there much longer either. At 6pm, i darted out the door and headed to LA Weightloss for my interview with Linda. She's going to put...
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