I am at the gym motherfuckers! Yeah! Go me!

I was sitting in my room moping about how I couldn't get my ass to the gym, couldn't seem to find the motivation, and I got into a FB convo. with a friend about it, when one of my friends pipes in that I could use him for motivation since he lost 25lbs in 8mths. At...
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That's the nicest thing I've been told in a long time. It always kind of baffles me when people read back through -- and flatters.

I wouldn't look at it like that, though -- the coloring in the lines bit. We all have our different ways of viewing and feeling and interpreting. I think in sentences naturally, -- like I hear my thoughts as though they were being read to me, so it's really as easy as copying down what I heard. I know that other people feel things in general sensation or images, etc, so it's different. But if we're using the coloring metaphor, .. basically, I trace. ;]
Douchecanoe that's funny - can I come for a ride? I got the spam email too. I however think she loves me. I'm sending all personal data pronto!

Good for you re: the gym. I go at 6am to avoid creepers. It's great to get a good work out with all the old guys. Good luck teaching your goal!
So as for my last post. (like you even read it.) tongue
Everything seems like it has worked itself out.

Now..... I need to find a way to motivate myself to go to the gym.
I need to get myself drawing/ designing my sleeves.

SG.....No, the internet in general is not helping me be motivated.

Rant for my own sanity.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I'm pretty much having a panic attack right now. The industry has been slow, for like the last the four years. I've been fortunate to have pretty much sailed through the recession without missing much for work. In fact we've prospered quite well.... up until this year. Just as the industry is rumoured to be...
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I watched a movie,
the moral; to be better,
Bill Murray's lesson.

Good movie.
yeah. I meet up with a lot of people in that Boston Pizza.
New Years Eve, wow! That kind of snuck up again this year didn't it?
With the kids at home for the holidays it has been a little tough to get any SG time.

"What are you looking at Dad?"
*closing laptop again* "Oh, nothing..."

I've been off work for a month now. I saved up some good coin before I got laid off, but it's...
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Things got a little hectic the other night, thankfully SG was here for me to let out a harmless rant, blow off a little steam at nobody.

I'm a lot better today. Drinking a Mojito (that's a Christmas drink right?) The flu is 4 days behind me, but my stomach is still feeling the effects. I have to take it easy. The Missus made some...
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So close to flying into a rage right now. Maybe it's all the stress finally getting to me, I'm not sure. My ex-wife is being a horrendous bitch, and threatening to withhold visitations with my son. This is all normal though, I'm used to dealing with her.. it's just that meanwhile the current is the one doing all the freaking out! Telling me what...
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baaah, sounds like a hectic ass time. i'm sorry that you're going through all this..
exes can be such pains, especially when you've broken up, and they're still haunting your life advertently or inadvertently - it doesnt really matter which one - either way, it's aggravating.
i don't think your current girlfriend is being very fair to you. that being said, i don't know the extent of the situation....but from what i can read.... they're both being total bitches.
take some time to yourself, if you can. take a step back.

good luck with it. and keep ranting....it's what keeps us all sane. wink
Death and an Ex

Buried my Grandfather this week. It was a tough day, in part because of the 8 hours of driving.
Also in part due to "stress with an ex". My son lives two hours in the opposite direction of the funeral, he's 12 years old, and she refused to allow him to ride the bus up to the city to save me...
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Some days, I sit down to draw, and nothing seems to come out right. It makes me wonder why I ever picked up a pencil in the first place. Sometimes, i can go back to the same piece on a different day, and I wonder how I ever had a problem in the first place.

As per this blog here is the first page in...
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A little down today.

I'm not updating this like I wanted.
I'm not going to the gym as often as I wanted.
I'm not drawing like I wanted.

I think I need to quit video games.
I think I get crushes too easily.
with people I have no business having crushes on.

I miss my friends.
I miss my family.
I miss my dog.

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U and I are more alike than u know.. Besides the obvious masturbating constantly.. Ha. What can I say, it's the best.. When u are bored, lonely, horny, tired, or need to wakeup it's just like a curall isn't it? And the crushes, don't I know! Especially on line crushes. They can be fun and harmless but also seemingly pointless and frustrating.. And I too am a big thinker with not so much follow through.. My SG blog is probably my biggest achievement!!
i hear all of that. having crushes on people i have no business having crushes on seems to be a specialty of mine.
lack of motivation, yep. no gym...yep. but it's slumps like these that help us grow more, eh? i'm just waiting for the growing and feeling good about said growth to occur.
keep on truckin, bud.
Saving Ducks With Halloween

There are new bird scaring devices here at the Alberta Oilsands. I can only imagine they are worth eleventy billion dollars a piece. They amount simply to a laser motion detector hooked up to your mom's old LP of scary Halloween sounds played at 120dB. This can be heard from multiple sites around the pond where I am working. I'm sure...
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