From smuffy


There is a lot to be said for someone who has a testimonial from a person who is not even on his friend list. That is by far one of the coolest accomplishments on this site ever. Figures Ben would be the recipient of something so radical. He does indeed deserve it. The only reason he and I even started talking was because of his interest in the 105. Otherwise, I would've never gathered up the nerve to start some kind of conversation with him. He is intimidating in every way. So you see I completely wormed my way into his life and now he is one of my favorite friends ever. I love his journal essays and I hope he loves mine. (We don't write each other many journal essays anymore, but I get to have something even better than journal essays...iChat and telephone conversations!)

I'd offer him my cold black heart everyday if he wanted it. Maybe, hopefully one day he will.

(You think this is a crush? Fuck you. It's so much more than that.)