ahhh here we go again. I think I gave my dayjob boss, the master cabinet maker, about 6 hours over the last week. I'm lucky that he likes me. Macdonalds woulda canned my ass by now. This isn't to say that I've let my hands fall idle.
I get up in the afternoon and collect materials for my home improvement project. I'mm installing a 2...
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nice set! love
first let me say please take this the right way ok... your not really my type, but that was the coolest suicide boy set ive seen, not only was it creative but it was also very brave of you to be naked around the fire and stuff, very cool.....
well hell I've turned noctournal. Here's my morning sunset. I think it was worth it...this fine adventure packed weekend.
Saturday I went out and tied one on with a vengence. Randi the American Dumpster Washboard player was bartending and she poured me this juice tumbler of a Jack and Ginger. My first sip burned and I thought "I can't drink this" Then It was Half...
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tongue cheers man. smile
Hmm, you got like an evil honky tonk sound going on. Since I got no sleep this week, and was all mired in homework ever since I returned to the land of academics, I'll vicariously live via your text, in the dark tomb with the ice storm outside. Ha! Say hi to your speaking lizard for me/ wink ARRR!!!
instead of cleaning my house and getting ready for the next wave of social activity, I'm surfing the web by a raging fire and watching south park..
.immigrants from the future..
..dey tuk our jobz!
detukur djaaabbbz!!
I love it when rednecks turn gay. Handlebar mustaches rubbin all up on eachother.

Oh speaking of gay....I've been spending the week sanding all these cabinet parts...
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the sets sound hot
Hello there! biggrin
Well I'm feeling rode hard and put away wet this fine monday. I try to keep my drinking in the seldom to never vein. I got wasted after a gig in maryland on Christmas. Got pretty tore up on new years...and then stayed off the sauce for a couple weeks. The last three nights, however, found me with a drink in my hand. I think...
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heh. Sorry, I've been away from the computer for a bit.... very busy long weekend. I haven't even had a chance to try and install it yet. Do thank Doug for me though...
smile kiss smile kiss smile
i started weilding a big dragon head today. Volkswagen skull. studibaker snout. Now if I can just geth the fuel to atomise right...he'll be spewin fire all over the back 40.
I'm thinking of submiting to suicide boys. Couldn't hurt. I aint shy. I've already seen a judge wave around pictures of me in all my glory. I think I'm gonna set it in the...
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Yeah OK .....Couple of guys...friends of friends called from NY and are traveling the country doin puppet shows. I gave em some advise on local venues and told em they could stay on the compound....so now I've got houseguests. They got in late last night and now we're all piled up in the crib swillin cofee and rappin about the world.
I've been pouring over...
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sweet of you to offer, but does the version you have play well with macs? i recently switched from my 163874629 year old pc to a shiny new ibook, which is why i'm kinda starting over, software-wise kiss
Over the last couple weeks, I've gone into a deep redclusion, pulled my back out and come down with a bad chest cold. At the height of my mysery, I treated myself to an SG membership. This site is not what I was expecting, but it's wormed it's way into my mind all the same.
The last couple days I've forced myself to get out...
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