check out the new set from the sexy @riae pictures buy puffin




shameless plug for my good friend Gil Taimana thats me in the bottom pic in the black t shirt painting the walls


WTF WTF WTF A dude showed up at my house at 730 am made him self at home drank a beer, i thought hes was a friend of Jemma Roxy Purroxide Sims`s she told me she did not know him, she thought i knew him which i dont, not sure what that was supposed to be very very random


spent yesterday in the ER i have a bad something going on in my lungs it could be Pneumonia

but to early to tell not feeling real good

That's not good.  I hope you feel better soon!

haven't been here for a while work,Roxy,kids life stuff everything is good getting married next year its poring rain in Hobart have a shift today its only 2 hours so no big deal


my asshole landlord has told me that the rent will be 1200 per month, thats completely unacceptable and bullshit,me and roxy and the kids have fill this place with love even though its filled with problems the roof leeks every-time it rains the power is not up to spec etc etc etc so fucking angry and panicky.


Yep going to have a panic attack fuck just what I need


well i finally did it i am engaged to Roxy ,i surprised her yesterday buy getting her a rose gold engagement ring
