I am not entirely certain when and where I first made Herr Doktor's acquaintance, but rest assured that my life has been for the better since that auspicious moment.

This is a gentleman who's knowledge and sophistication acknowledges no boundaries.

I can recall an evening when my ex and I chanced upon him at a local shopping establishment at roughly two in the morning. I was perusing the selection of foam munitioned weaponry (i.e. Nerf) when he happened to walk by. This enigmatic person proceeded to frighten the sensibilities out of us with discussions of his work into artificial intelligence algorithms. Now I can not be certain what the rest of you do at two am, but I for one do not worry about the implications of my tampering with god hood at that time, unless I am far to deep into my cups.

I count The Doctor as one of my closest friends and enjoy every moment I happen to share with his person.