Just picked up a Balzac cd, along with Bedknobs and broomsticks and the Dawn of the Dead remake on dvd. Good stuff.

"Huh, what did I tell you boys... America always sorts this shit out."


Anyone know any good links to cool 50's horror art / animation?
The first person to convince Lhia that a 72-hour horror themed slumber party in my honor is a valid Christmas gift gets their choice of presents.

It's the reason for the season. Make the baby jesus proud.
Just tell her I'm In.....I'm thinking Coveralls and a hocky mask.....Sound Good??? lol
Anything going on in San Diego between now and the holidays?

We finally have a place big enough to fit a tree into. Should make for fun times with the cats.
Work work work work work.

Maybe I'll find some way to balance work and pleasure next year. This year is turning out to be a burner.

Oh well, I'll retire one day... or maybe become a professor of game design at some college and take advantage of curious college kittens!

What can I say? I'm getting old.
there with ya man. at least you all got one out the door though smile Of course that may not mean much depending on what aspect of it you were/are working on, and how quickly they switched you to something else.

I am stressing hard over here... although I seem to be the only one crunching... heh.
Halloween in New Orleans was fucking amazing. I think we're going to go every year from now on.

If you're registered --

Stop looking at nekkid chicks and GO VOTE!

Who gives a shit if you know about politics, current events, or anything else.

If America is afraid that uninformed voters turning out in the millions will fuck this country up, maybe it's time to...
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Small confession time:
I live mostly in SD.
shhh! Top Secret Stuff.

This rain is really making me miss the south. The weather in Alabama was always crazy. Sweat and storms in the summer - rain and drizzle all winter. Either way, everything just sort of rotted along.

DC was pretty close during the summer, but with fewer storms.

I love places with weather. San Diego has been pretty lame in that regard.

Enough weather talk.
It rained every day that I was in Austin. Loud! I hadn't heard a thunderstorm in ages. Made me a liittle scared..... surreal
San Diego does suck when it comes to weather. Sometimes, I just want to wear a jacket and know that I'm not gonna sweat i it, or have the desperate need for an umbrella. This "hot all the time" shit just doesn't work for me. Happy Samhain btw.
Shit - I need to update soon.
knock knock.........heeeelllllloooooooooooo smile
Raining in san diego. at this exact moment. i hope you didn't miss it.
Having this week off has been nice. Lhia bought me a copy of the last of Steven King's Dark Tower books.

Should be finished with it today. It's really good so far. It's been a really enjoyable series if you have some extra time and don't mind a ton of reading.

Back to reading.
having alone time is wonderful... i have a spot in my apt that i just love curling up and reading in. i also like to go to the park and read..i'm a fuckin geek.
hope the rest of the week off was as enjoyable as the first part!
smile here is your happiness sprinkles- BBLLLLAAAALLIINNNGGG! I am spreading the love to all.