Hi all

Well, I was the very model of suck last night at open mic night. I get conflicting messages when I'm there. People ask me to play but then noone listens. Noone notices when I finish a song. Generally there will be one person listening, that individual will start to tentatively applaud when I finish a song, for fear of interrupting the conversations of...
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Lets have a little YouTube of it. wink
The songs that I like the most often have lyrics that are not about things that I've experienced. Either the lyrics are evocative, like you said, or they're just fun, or go well with the music.

Lately I've been semi-obsessed with the New Riders of the Purple Sage. I don't know if you're familiar with them, but they're a psychedelic influenced country rock band that was started by Jerry Garcia and a couple of his musical friends. They were popular in the '70s, and they're actually still around, with two of the members from the "classic" lineup. They have one song, called "Whiskey", that's sung by a moonshiner driving a truckload of whiskey to Memphis. Not only have I never driven a truckload of moonshine whiskey to Memphis, but neither did the guy who wrote the song. In fact, I believe he went to prep school in Michigan. But there's something about the song -- the music and lyrics combined -- that's just appealing.
They say don't shit where you eat. Good advice.

You might remember the scene in Flash Gordon where Flash, Dale and Dr Zarkov are brought into Ming's audience hall where Ming's subjects are presenting their annual tributes. Ming kills one of them and Flash remarks to Dale, "This Ming's a psycho." Unfortunatey the little flying robot overheard him and repeated it aloud for Ming to...
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i read this and i'm kinda floored. all the stuff that's been going on in my life really parallels yours. dealing with mean people is one of them, but i understand and relate to the way you feel afterward. it just kinda eats me inside. something happened to me a few days ago and it's been sitting in my stomach like a ball of tar-- just like you said. tongue
anyway... you escaped by the skin of your teeth at work, and that shows that they do value you even though it was an unfortunate situation. i have a hard time containing myself in situations like that. i was on a train going to liverpool at like 5am about a week ago and since the ticket box wasn't open we had to buy our tickets on the train. well. the woman refused to take my card because it was american and didn't have a chip in it and because it said 'ask for id' instead of signing it, even though i provided id.... she just threw a total fit and i was stuck in between ripping her head off and just shutting up because she could very well kick me off the train and it was the last one i could take to get there on time. anyway. i ended up just shutting my mouth. but. i've been thinking about writing her manager with a huge complaint. tongue same type of thing happened with the police department and me over the summer. ignorant people do ignorant things. after a week of situations like that i realized that i take for granted that i usually surround myself with normal, thoughtful people.... i don't know when i'm going to learn those necessary 'behave in public/not let it bother me' skills. maybe there's a class we can take. <3
It can be kind of annoying to tell people this joke

"Knock, knock"

"Who's there?"

"Interrupting buddhanature."

"Interrupting.. . . ."


and then not explain what it means if they don't get it.

One thing about the stress of my job is that I've been breaking out with cold sores like I haven't done since high school.

oh cheers babe, it's cute that you made out a manko in the logo wink
Thanks for the love - hope you're doing well!

I am a horrible obsessive camera freak, compulsive pixel peeper, camera test reader, that sort of thing. Ive been agonizing to a ridiculous degree and beyond lately about whether to keep saving up for a sony a900 or just take the easier route and get an a350 with a 17-50mm tamron. Now and then I feel like ive answered the question for myself one...
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Good call.

That's why I bought the Civic instead of the Mazda 3. Quality over price.
Happy New Year too ! It's been a long time since we talked.... smile
He's doing better. wink
I will let him know.

I loved him in that too. I have a bit of a suit and tie fetish. love
Hello everyone

Or maybe everyone is more people than read my blog but anyway

I kind of blew off work today. I wasn't entirely sure that I had the day off, and not wanting to be told "no" i didn't ask anyone at work that I could have asked. It was not completely ridiculous to make the assumption, I had a monster truckload of soda...
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You're probably right, but I am going to give it a last chance. Some ultimatum is probably in order I'm just not sure what yet. Anyways, good to hear from you; it's nice to know the big road didn't consume you. Sorry I've been bad following people's journals, school's been a bitch as of late. I'm going to pick up an instrument too, keep you posted. Also, in so much as my usual journals are public and the one you posted in reference to was private, I axed the comment. You give good advise, don't get me wrong, i just fear the wrong person coming across it.
BtW, do you get all the coke you can drink for free?
Happy holy daze, my friend! kiss
That's because he's a Bull Terrier, not a Pitbull. wink

But yeah, in the grand scheme of things, same difference. So don't be fooled. He could nice you to death!
I read your comment as in- if I have any ankles. I do have ankles. But I think the song would be too obscure for most of the people there. Although it shouldn't be, aren't Fujiya Miyagi FROM where I live?
where are you?
I think they have made a comeback!
Have you explored any of the nlp concepts, such as active associating and dissociating to improve your experiences in life and with others?
professional photographer!
that's a lot of work. omigod. really. i think it also really depends on what kind of photography you want to do... do you want to just stick with digital? i know you have a lot of nice old film cameras, it would be great to see you do some stuff with those. have you ever taken any photography classes? i ask because you get to develop things yourself and you really get a feel for how the wheels turn etc. when you can manipulate things with your hands it gives you a real satisfaction that i've never gotten solely from digital. biggrin i think you'd love it. biggrin! You can also sell prints on deviantart. they take a lot, but they also give a lot ;p. once you get a base there, make yourself a webpage and sell prints from there as well. you can make more money doing it yourself, but DA is a great place to start because you can pay a minimal amount for a print account, AND, if you pay for an advertisement you get thousands of views right away, pretty much guaranteed. i think the advertisements are only a few bucks and i think you pay for clicks. so. i guess it actually is guaranteed. anyway! i have a friend who wants to go professional, he's very technical about it--he seems to look at things like a math problem. the perfect exposure length, the perfect depth, etc.... i think you will probably be much better off. so... a 24megapixel camera?
when i read that i thought i was about to cum, but i managed to control myself. wwwwooooowwwwww.
you are a big blip! so come back! smile
salaam aleikum

No matter what, you're great for using the L word, even if it was by accident, even if she never says it back. Good for you.
indeed it is, my friend!
Hey, did you know I had a driving phobia? I did a quick NLP session but I keep seeing such poor examples of driving that I still feel apprehensive...
Great entry, btw; I learned something!
I saw your post on Tori's blog about how to use the lens on an SLR and it's helped me to understand what the numbers mean on mine so I thought I come by and say thanks for sharing. You've helped more than one.
While I'm here, love that pic. I think I have a thing for sky/cloud/ground shots but that shot reminds me of an old painting my folks brought from South Africa when we came here.
Also, I totally understand the feeling you're talking about re other people walking the same path long ago.
Hello SGland

It's been a while I guess. Peak season at work, the hot weather increases fluid circulation and we coke drivers have to provide the fluids for the start of the cycle. Rain or sun and a shitload of both this week.

The past couple of weekends I went out camping with my old girlfriend J. who was up in ithaca doing some dissertation...
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I like the buddhist saying. Do you know which Buddhist said it?
I have 1 more day of THIS round, then another intensive in Sept. I've already made biz cards for one niche, which is so niche-y I'm the only one in it - Tattoo Coach.
There is great similarity between life coaching clients and dom clients - and energy healing ones! But yes, a comedy of errors waits to unfold.
How's the new guitar working out?
At first I was thinking you had it pretty rough and my new gig was going to be the ticket.

Now I'm not so sure.

I mean... I'm sure you still have it pretty rough. But the more I see of Frito, the more fucked-up the whole thing appears to me.

Not sure if I'm going to stick it out. Currently leaning towards no.

But I wont go back over-the-road either. I've done my time.