friday night was fuckin hilarious. i was at six corners in wicker park drinkin at a bar with my friends andy, brenden, dan and ashley. it was a beautiful night so the streets were packed with people. we left the bar (pretty drunk) and andy and i went to flash taco around the corner while everyone else was buying hot dogs at a stand outside....
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i lost my wallet on a 2am drunk bike ride to get gyros. i'm pissed and feel lost without it... plus it was a awesome wallet and i just bought it about a month ago. i'm sure some homeless person is chargin all types of malt liquor and cheap scotch on my credit card as i type this. puke
i woke up this morning and could barely move. so i gave in and went to the doctor. i have a fractured rib but i did not collapse a lung or puncture any organs. she said i'll be fine in a little over a week.
Oh dear!!! How did you do that???

I'm glad you like the word, "Titbag" smile It's definately a goody!

I know it's not SUCH a big deal about the birthday thing, on it's own I mean, but it was just one in a long line of other things that make him not a very good friend of late. I did mention to him in the end, a whole week later, and...well i'll have explained it all in my journal.

You alright? Apart from your poor poor rib of course?

i got in a wrestling match with my roommate last night. i bounced his head off a door... we fell over and i landed right on my ribs. i think i might have a broken rib... it hurts pretty bad and it's hard to breath. but i'm not gonna go to the hospital cause i heard there is nothing they can do for a broken...
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i just watched the royal tenenbaums again... for like the 300th time. i love that flick and i think i could watch it everyday for the rest of my life, pure genius.
Hey! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a member of the Concerts Group. The Summer Concert Season is almost upon us, so I'd love to have you throw a review into the group if you happen to catch any great (or not-so-great) shows this year. And if you know of anyone who might like the group... send 'em our way. The more the merrier!! Have a great summer! ♥
on the way home from work i was listening to bright eyes digital ash in a digital urn. i have not listened to this cd in awhile and it put the biggest smile on my face. it reminded of the summer a couple years ago, when it was in my rotation. that was one of the best summers i've had. it seemed like there...
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going to the chicago fire home opener tonight (yeaaaa!) it's supposed to be only 25 degrees outside (booo) but i'll have whiskey to keep me warm.
Let's go FIRE
i got stung by a bee inside my place of employment today. i'm not a bee "expert" but is it not a little early for them in northern illinois. it was only a high of like 37 degrees today.

i was also called a "rude, inconsiderate drunk" by a lady friend that i like. i believe i've been called all of these at least once...
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i'm back from n.y.c. and not really impressed. my expectations were pretty high for this city and it did not live up to them. it was just chicago on steroids and really trashy (and by trashy i mean dirty as hell.) but coney island is now one of my favorite places in the world. it was so cheesy and so awesome.

p.s. girls piss me...
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I totally agree with how shitty NY is. Garbage everywhere, it fucking smells like shit. Course I was there in the summer and it was so fucking humid. Everytime I stepped outside I was instantly covered with smog and filth and grime and grease. Yuck. I hated it so much. Worst vacation ever. And everyone was so fucking rude. Its not just a steriotype, its really true. At least in Chicago people pretend to care for a minute before calling you a jagoff.
i'm leaving for new york tomorrow and have not even started packing. instead i'm wasting time drinking and fuckin around on the computer. i'm going there to meet up with this girl i'm infatuated with. i'm still undecided if i'm truely falling for this chick or that my head is fuckin with me cause she lives so far away and i know i can't be...
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i just got back from new york. hope you have fun and good luck with your "infatuation".