Well tomorrow to the hunt for a job, This unemployment is taking its toll on my pockets :p
Anyone know about a job in nyc drop a line :-)
So i installed Ubuntu 9.04 i finally made the leap to linux. It aint bad but to bad i still need windows for some programs but its not my main OS. i got what i need and i got my files backed up in my external so all is well. The kitchen is done, those mexicans were slow, 4 weeks 2 rooms. I have it...
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so its Halloween an i got no costume guess its time to improvise, hopefully my sister left some make-up behind :-p. So construction still going on in here, so far i seen no change the last 2 days... typical. well tonight to the Village Halloween day Parade or www.dancesofvice.com, either way i gotta improvise a costume. Oh well guess its better than staying home,...
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Good luck with the costume... I'm sure you'll pull something together! biggrin
Its rattling in my brain, why did she stop the relationship. A major insight i came upon, great sex doesnt mean you'll get the girl or being respectful or being caring and sweet. I mean i was showing this poor little catholic school girl(shes 24 just incase) a thing or 2 about sex, she didnt even know where her g-spot was can u believe that....
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there could be a number of reasons why this girl has decided to suddenly call it quits. girls are complicated creatures, and it sounds like a similar situation i found myself in about 4 years ago. she sounds confused to me, and you probably made her feel things that scared the shit out of her. my advice? let it go for now, and if something more is meant to be, it'll happen.
My thoughts exactly sass :-)
OMg! What a wakeup call, the ceiling collapse in the kitchen and bathroom. I swear if i would have taken a shit 2 hrs earlier i would not be standing here tongue

Emergency crew coming to fix it. Lets see how long and how well the do it. Its been 3-4 months since we reported and they only act when it's imminent they have to. Hopefully...
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holy fuck ball batman!
tell me about it
Good thing i got time yesterday to put a relaxing cream on me hair
:p look my hair :p

Well if your into rough sex to the 10th power, you should see Antichrist (2009) pain grief and despair a must see for the wrong reasons...skull
and your country is enjoying you "services" wink
Well if your into rough sex to the 10th power, you should see Antichrist (2009) pain grief and despair a must see for the wrong reasons...skull
After a week of silence she tells me we can't be friends. Guess great sex and having things in common arent enough...
What boring bordom..... i'm going to see Wolverine for the first time, lets see if i like it...
This is maybe one of the few movies im going to watch just because of the cover, very hot :-p
Antichrist (2009)
i'll probably have it by tomorrow... maybe :-)
Hello community,
This has been a long time coming. I have enjoyed the beauty of the living canvases you have here and i am very glad i joined. Keep on the good work. and i salute you!