Last night was my bday!! I decided to work at the club and throw my bday party there!! I brought in my new dj controller and tore it up last night, lots of fun.
So I posted on FB about wanting to get back on World of Warcraft, and it totally started a fight with a girl I've been talking too. "I don't want a relationship with anyone that plays that game." Then I got all defensive like this is who I am and if you can't accept it walk on. Stupid facebook and stupid girl!!!! Arrg I'm so...
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ha ha. Oh the drama.
I just ordered my bday present to myself. Tracktor Kontrol S4!!!! I can't wait for it to arrive!!skull
Woot indeed!skull
Another night at Tuxedos, then I'm off Monday and Tuesday with my son. It's rock night tonight and I don't feel like djing, oh wells
Today is the anniversary of my failed marriage! In the process of getting divorced. I have to take parenting classes to be divorced? wtf
Hi, I'm Matt and I like to spin records, play video games, and fixing broken stuff.