Ok, new blog posts. But not here. I do most of my blog posts, "in character," on my blogspot site.

Check it out David Jett
David Jett's Top 10 Albums of 2008! Hells Yeah!

Oh, hells yeah! It's David Jett's Top 10 Albums of 2008! This is based on a lot of things, but mostly on how many damn times I played a particular cd/mp3/record in my car/home/shower/head. So there may a cd I listened to and thought, "wow, that's fucking brilliant!" And then I never listened to it again....
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Hey! Thanks for the comment on my mini set! And heck ya Canada rules! haha
DJ's Week In Review!

In other words, I took a week off from blogging, so here's some random bullshit...

-Check out the trailer for "The Wrestler," Mickey Rourke's new film about a broken down grappler trying to hang on to his glory days. It's getting great buzz, but the kicker for me was the trailer. As a guy that used to do some work in...
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hehe you did say boob an awful lot didn't you? it's okay, you were being very complimentary, so i don't mind it at all.
how has life been?
Well.....yes, itis true, I DO rock....nice to meet ya skull
This is why I get paid the big bucks...

Today at work we received a large shipment of what I guess you would call rock & roll belts. Belts with a lot of wacky designs or studs, kinda like what you might find at Hot Topic. So I had to hang them on a display. And then make a sign for the display.

I often...
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lol this made me giggle!
Smart Human Tricks...

A lot of people read about John McCain's no-show on Late Night With David Letterman. And Dave skewed him about it for weeks. So much so that McCain rebooked and actually showed up. If you didn't see it, let me tell you that Letterman grilled McCain on a variety of topics. And he asked questions and made points that no "news reporter"...
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I'm glad you enjoyed my set......thanks so much for the feedback
History was made this week!

And we all get a little hope that the US can recover from 8 years of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

I was going to title this post-election blog "People Who Can Suck It," but John McCain made such a nice speech that I'll skip that part. (ok, can I just do one? Here goes: That dumb Alaskan broad Sarah...
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wow you noticed everything - right down to me summer time freakles smile

thanks for looking at my set - and thanks for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment smile
A message from Trent Reznor:

Next Tuesday we will elect the next President of the United States. The result will have great consequences for the nation.

This election offers a choice is between two men with dramatically different visions of the future. We have strong feelings about this choice. But we feel even more strongly that all Americans, regardless of political preference, have a stake...
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He rocks.

Thanks for leaving me a sweet comment on my new set, x
Check out the Simpsons spoof of the "Man Men" credits from the upcoming Halloween episode!

Simpsons "Mad Men" spoof
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set Cosmopolitan Night.
I really appreciated it!