i think my heart is breaking
very very slowly
every day i feel a thread tear
i hate my fucking brain
i want a lobotomy
i want skyy to just fucking come out and say she doesn't want to see me anymore
of course that's not what i want
but i want to feel like i'm going to die
and then just get on with...
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Hate yourself all you want , but I think yer still waaaaaaaaaay nifty and cute.. kiss
so, i just got back from a/b the most stressful vacation of my life:

got no sleep friday night, up packing, didn't want to leave the dog and cats, had to get up at 3:45 anyway to make our godawful early flight.
got to d.c. skyy met us at the airport - joy!
went shopping.
ate thai take out.
got ready for a big night...
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Its good to see you back, although it sucks that your trip wasnt that great..
reading your journal entries is exhausting. and i know i say this every time but DONT WORRY SO MUCH! i understand its not that easy, but if theres one thing i learned when i was in the hospital, its that things have a way of working themsleves out. so you can either worry yourself to death and have things work out, or chill the fuck out and have things work out. i like door number 2.
i have insomnia like never before.
i don't think i've gotten more than 5 hrs of sleep a night for at least a month.
and that's not continuous hrs.
no matter how tired i am i can't fall asleep before a/b midnight or 12:30. then i wake up, wide awake, between 2 and 3:30 every morning.
then i'm awake for 1-1 1/2 hrs. then i...
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Hey sweetie! Hope you are well!
Congratulations on your 6 year anniversary!!.. that is so sweet!.. your plans for the future sound amazing! .. I so hope it all happens for you. And yes I would LOVE you to sell my stuff!!.. i have never been to Singapore so I have no idea what the market is like over there?! But that would be excellent!. and i love the name of your shop!..
I am soo sorry to hear about your insomnia.. it sounds terrible, as I was first reading it I was going to suggest valerian, but then i read you had already tried it. It sounds like you need a good massage too. I work for a naturopathic company and we sell all vitamins & health supplements. At the moment we have got this really good product that we are giving away samples of and it is for insomnia. Apparently it works really well. so send me your address via the contact button on my page and I will send you over some!. Plus I will also send you some stickers for my clothing company!
Have an excellent vacation!! .. and have lots of fun!!
Hey. Long time no see.
tonight was our 6th anniversary.
hot, sweet morning sex.
why is it so much better in the morning? even w/ morning breath and bedhead?
shopping for books for other people - new nephew, mom, friend . . .
tiffany porcelain pill box. i didn't know i could be so moved by a pill box.
ate russian food. drank vodka.
discussed the future.
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the future always looks better with a little vodka under your belt.

a little.
still missing you
hey is sky in richmond?
hi all.
let's see. bjork show was amazing.
there aren't even enough capital letters and exclamation points and icons to express how truely amazing it really was, so i won't use any.
she's perfect. perfectly perfect.
there were fireworks.
my sister had her baby.
36 hours of labor.
again, exclamation points don't do this justice.
spent an entire day reorganizing my library.
i have dreams...
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sounds lovely! I wanted to go to Bjork but I am too po'.
next time you go for sushi, come to Sonoda's on 6th ave and say hi to me.

You'll know it's me because I'm the only white girl working there. wink
Of the...once...I've had the pleasure of that kind of close company, I can say it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I look forward to repeating it someday.
i just listned to Mary Poppins, then My Fair Lady, then Annie Get Your Gun, and now i'm listening to The Music Man -
i love my husband - he got me these records for my birthday.
one of my best friends, taku, came into town today.
i met him 6 months before he moved to japan. he's been in japan for over 2 years....
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I would so love to go to Japan!! that is my number 1 destination as soon as I have my clothing company running I want to go there and promote it.. and go shopping for chunky shoes!!
I lurve Bjork!!.. that will be such a good show!
Hope you are happy!
skull XX kiss
i've always wanted to see bjork! you lucky lucky girl! well i'm sure ya deserve it- man she is so amazing- and definately somebody worth seeing live. what a manic, beautiful spectable (um, maybe that should say spectacle?) that'll be! heehee bjork! biggrin have fun,dude!
sounds like things are kind better maybe? i sure had a tumultuous week but i feel better now, all though the news is pretty fucked up with the power out (hey your'e not inthe middle of that are you?!!) well i'll assume you're not...
i remember listening to the MMarry Poppins record at this friend of mine's house as a kid- she used to play it on one of those Mickey Mouse record players-you know the kind where mickey's little arm is the stylus-we'd dance along and play to the songs, i especially liked the spoonful of sugar song! that was fun...whatcha gettin' done to your hair, cutie? !!
hi everyone.
just wanted to check in so people who are nice and care a/b me don't worry that i had my hands chopped off in a horrible lawn mowing accident and that's why i've been so silent.
all is well physically.
psychically is a little different story.
what can i say? i feel like i'm caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole....
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I'm too shy to ask any cute girls to be my models...
If you were here I would HAVE to get rid of my shyness.

Take care pirateprincess. . .
Good to hear you're OK. The "black hole" thing seems to have been going on for a while. You seem like a good egg, and in Denver yet! I hope all is going as well as can. Cheers. :: big smile ::
still feeling a little unstable.
don't know what else to say.
life - it just keeps going on.
i look for meaning but sometimes i just feel like i'm deluding myself.
sometimes i wonder if it's a good thing that human beings are conscious.
i wonder if we'd all be happier as dogs or birds or trees.
but then we wouldn't have beer.
and no...
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there's sure alot of shittyness in being conscious of oneself- and having to deal with the low points that are necessary for the lovey high points to exist- or so i understand. but sometimes it definately can seem like "umm, okay, enough of the shitty low points, already! were did the high points go?!!! mad
i actually had a rather fucked up acouple of weeks in terms of feeling totally normal at some points and then feeling that everything was totally sucking or that i was sucking- anyways i do feel better now that i don't have so much work to do- but still there's always the stuff to deal with that has nothing to do with school or work or having too much to do- i guess it's the stuff that we're usually distracted from when we're so busy with the otherthings? i don't know- but sometimes it just feels like there's always something to feel shitty about...
i don't read a heck of alot of poetry, but The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran is very good to read when i'm down and out...i'll just leave you a sample of one of his-
"Then a woman said, Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.
And he answered:
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned int the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep within your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrowthat is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."

sometimes this kind of stuff can at least put meaning into the seemingly chaotic and sad kind of moods i can stumble into from time to time- but then sometimes you need lots of the ice cream. in which case i highly recommend Marco's brand of Rasberry gelato.. it's fat free and organic but seriously the best freaking tastey experience i've had in a long time! in fact i think i am going to go to the store and get some 'cause now i'm all thinking about it and everything.
i hope your feelin' better doll! and keep passing those open windows! (to quote "hotel new hampshire") okay, bye for now! smile
Aww.. sweetie!!.. i hope you are feelin happier today!! you are soo cute! you should stop wanting to be someone else and be happy with being you! and I agree.. if you were a dog who would give you beer.. or any alcohol for that matter.. but then again I have heard that dogs lick the back of toads and they trip for hours.. hehe..
kiss XX skull
my dog was growling and barking out the window.
he know's he's not allowed to do that, so he does it very under his breath.
but i can still hear him an d i scold him and he ignores me.
so i just stomped my foot to get his attention, but i hit the sole of my foot on the edge of my husband's desk...
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i really wish i could say something that would help you with this anger thing, but only you know whats in your heart, so only you can fix it. i believe you will figure it out, though, and it will pass.
Give in to the anger...buy a punching bag and kick the shit out of it when you get pissed...works for me.
Hang in there you. smile kiss
i can't stop playing w/ my hair.

i wish i could be a fictional character.
i could look and act however i wanted.
i could have great drama in my life and know that in the end it would have a happy ending.
i could be the main character.
the center of attention.
i could make people love me.
i could fix problems and make...
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it sounds like you know exactly what you want!! and it sounds great.. hmm i wonder what i would choose.. you have got me thinking now!
Hope you had a fun weekend!!
kiss XX skull
all of that sounds wonderful. it's too bad we don't really have control over all of those things. *sigh* one can hope, though.

did you end up getting your ears repierced?