Watching Evel Knievel documentary. Strangely interesting. Went to the Dr today finally for my cough. What I thought was viral may be Asthma. Pulled a bunch of stuff out of storage and will start posting here. Pretty cool. Whenever your down just remember where you came from and what you have made of yourself and what amazing things you have down. Should be an instant...
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Anyone else have this lingering cough/headachey/nasal pain thingy for the past like forever but really only a few weeks? It sucks! Can't shake it. Queue "Shake the Disease" by Depeche Mode. Bleh Blah Smile Cough....


Seriously though. They make it all so you require the assistance of not one or two but manage you to find a way to get the help of 2 and one half persons to assemble. They use these screws and fasteners I have never seen at Loews or Home Depot. From the pits of Hell they are but I love them so..ahhh!


I assure you if you are reading this I find you quite beautiful both inside and out lovilies! Have wonderful New Year and love more, compliment more, help more, notice more, say more, if you see injustice please don't be shy ...say something because you cannot assume someone else will. Oh and get naked more and have more sex. Cliche Alert: life is short



As I find the pix and I get the ink I will add here:

amazing ink!
Thank you @Reptyle...more to come..this site needs more of you loveliness..or is that just me ;)

I hate it but it must be done. How do you split a decade into 2? It must be done. I have been used and abused and under appreciated far too long. She can have it all because I am going to shed her like a snake sheds its skin. I was bitter but now I am just filled with pity and some lingering sadness....
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Sometimes I feel like we are living in the future where Biff stole the Sports Almanac. The future where Morpheus never gave Neo a choice.

Aw hope you feel better soon!
@tokki  thank you ~musters the strength to grin weakly~ ;)