Lundi Gras, I had to work. And then it rained all day and it was miserable. As I was slated for a party the next day I did nothing, and enjoyed it.

Woke up the next morning at 7 AM sharp. The second line parades often start at 6 AM, so I got on the saddle and attempted to find one. No luck, although I...
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careful with mdma, friend. and thanks a lot for the excellent history of the beads!

more stories please.

what about the "girls gone wild" bus?!?!?
I know this entry is long but everything is happening to everyone right now, thats what its like down here, and theres plenty to discuss. Well be back to normal come Ash Wednesday but steam on for now.

I ended Friday night by updating my user profile. It was something to do and I wasnt tired just yet. On most I was deliberately silly but...
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Next time, you should make a move with the girl on the coach, friend. You're smart and interesting as hell all you need is some confidence and you gotta start somewhere. I'm old and ugly now but interesting and I have confidence and it gets me all sortsa places I didn't get when I was young and way better looking. That is my old geezer advice for the day!
explain to me this whole bead thing, please please please -- is it just that drunk people like shiny colorful objects or is there more to it?
The Krewe of Muses is known for excessive and immodest generosity, totally unlike their namesakes, who withhold inspiration until a certain level of suffering and sweat has been reached. They load their floats with every bauble imaginable and dispense to all. Young, old, male, female, naked or no. It doesnt matter. Go to a parade run by the Muses and youll leave styling like Mr....
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that was the winner of the haiku contest that even i didn't know was happening! it's just too great not to win a prize.

so what would you like?wink
Dude-- I am soooo freaking jealous you won the unintended haiku contest!!! Isobel is one of the raddest chicks on here, now I hate you (just kidding.)

I like your 'NSync dream. I have been having very vivid and intense dreams lately -- I think when you get off on different sleeop schedules you remember your dreams better 'cause you're more likely to wake in the midst of or right after r.e.m.

Have you hopped on a Girls Gone Wild bus yet? I hear they are everywhere -- that guy who started that is like a billionaire -- that shit is so smart and so brilliant at the same time -- me I'm always stuck in the middle of those two poles I'll never make any $$!
Wednesday morning I awoke at 12:30 AM and I couldn't go back to sleep. I overheard Sarah remark that my job application had been tossed because they just couldn't understand why.

Let me explain. I applied for a weekend job at the local 'indie' movie theater, the same that Sarah works at. I applied for a job there even though I already have a job....
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Im not entirely sure why but I find that there is something altogether sexy about leggings. Purple ripped obviously-80s-Olivia-Newton-John-inspired leggings to be exact. Her name was Jenny (rapidly nicknamed Jenny Ondioline, hi, music geek, hi) and she was devilishly hard to engage in conversation, she jumped from clique to clique like a flea in a dog kennel. And I was constantly being cornered by a...
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i used to live in new orleans
you need to write a book, my friend.
I apologise for not making my appointed rounds. There was a sudden connection outage that Cox Cable could not clear. I am guessing that there was likely a bundle of fiber optics involved in the loss of service, an errant backhoe, angry workmen and service orders and threats of Ahll sue yuh! But the connection LED on the front of the cable modem is blinking...
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you are much much fun. and 65 degrees is SO tempting... as is that bottle of wine and box of Mr. Bubble. wink
i always like your posts, man.
and i have seen friends on dating shows too (i must admit to an on again off again addiction to even the worst ones) and i can attest -- that is very strange. it also is completely wrong that i watched a lot of dating shows and change of heart as well with my ex-wife and my last girlfriend who i saw for 2 years. somehow, i think our interests in those shows was more than in the excellent production qualities.
why you frontin' like you don't know where the manhaus is? dude, WE MET there, remember! (insert smiley face thingie here -- i'm not the emoticon type but i do like to try sarcasm and bad humor even though it NEVER works in this written form...) later.
Spend enough time around electronics and youll start to hear the symphony. The case fan in the computer hums along at midrange Hertz, what, 8000 or so? The air conditioner hisses through the vents with five different notes, all in the fourth octave. The power lines behind the drywall add a deep bass buzz, and the televisions and monitors add a sawblade keening thats just...
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Popcorn and coffee, huh? You health nut... It's funny, your post reminds me a lot of John Cage, what he said about approaching all of life as if all sound were music just waiting to be heard, how you have to adjust your ears to try to do that, and then looky Cronenberg looks sort of like Cage nowadays -- all that white hair I'll be there soon myself.
Chris is goth. Chris regards his gothness like an allergy he resents it but endures it out of good nature, and he knows he can never leave it behind. He never talked much, but then again, we were never close. He often hinted at his past, this was all that he did, hint, I know that he was married once and that didnt work, and...
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I love Robertson Davies. The first one I read by him was Tempest Tost. His characters seem so lifelike.
i like the detritus list a lot.

dude you gave great suggestions for sxsw -- thanks this will be my third trip down there i cannot wait! i have an uncle there too so i'll be able to borrow his car and be all mobile for the trip to salt lick... mmm, brownies and spinach...
Thursday was a good day.

Started out at 4:30 AM, went to bed early the previous day, you see. Got in to work at 5:40 AM. Finished work
for the day at 2:00 PM. And I skipped lunch. So that meant that, at 2:00 PM, I had completed 8 hours of work. It was a warm February day and I get no
overtime. No reason...
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Current crush has not been around. I have not seen her for over a week, which is odd, since she usually works six nights a week at the coffeeshop. I have it on good confidence that she hasnt yet moved to Boston but I never have time to skip out those 100 yards to the Rue so there is still no confirmation of her continued...
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coffee... good... losing the crush? bad!
sorry to hear about that, man.
liked the bit about the inadvertent wheelies on the vespas, very funny.