From al


Dickie is one of my favorite people. I want to say why I like him, but it'll surely just sound cheesy and cliche. I mean, who doesn't like someone who is smart and funny and interesting and polite and has good taste in everything and sexy and thoughtful and patient and does rad shit? See? I told you it would sound cheesy and cliche. That doesn't make it any less true, though.

I hate the internet, however, without it I most likely would have never had the opportunity to meet some of the coolest people in the world, this man right up there at the top, and because of that I also have to love the internet. Using this cursed tool has let me find people I am sure I will know and love for the rest of my life, and it kills me when I think of who I would have missed without it. If I end up being killed before my time by the internet somehow, it still would be worth it to me, for it has allowed me to meet this man. You don't meet people like this every day, or every year, or maybe you never get to meet one, but thanks to two kids in Portland with a dream about porno, I got to be friends with dickie. You can't beat that.