Oi, Hola, Salut, Здравствуй, and HI Everyone!
I started working on a blog regarding tips to avoid being the victim of a scammer, fraudster, or catphisher, and I’ll post it soon. However, as a few of you may have noticed, I am a very creative person, and I have multiple projects going simultaneously almost all the time. In addition to an SG related song I am collaborating on for a virtual band, I was also struck with two ideas for t-shirt/bumper stickers, of all things. One of those ideas had an SG related little sister: The SG Army recruitment poster/sticker concept presented above. For all of its imperfections, Suicidegirls.com is a community that I’m proud to be a part of, and I would want others of a similar mindset to join. I know the SG membership is diverse; but the image above is one that I think all members, SGs, and Hopefuls would appreciate. It’s just an idea inspired by the two lovely goddesses in the picture, @ivydenali and @francy from their multi set, Like A Rose...but who knows? Maybe @rambo, @erikad, @lyxzen, @eirenne and maybe even @missy, herself, might like it.
Anyway, my next blog will be of a much more serious nature. Until then, Happy Sundies!
Much Love,
- Dhyani