I finally got my power outage at work. 4:00 at the mall and the whole place goes dead. Then two little old ladies come in to buy shoes.....in the dark. I'm all about making excuses to avoid work, but Kirill, the Russisn guy I work with is all about service. So he helps them in near pitch black darkness. If Russia is ever going to...
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If I were a fruit, I'd be a Kiwi. Slightly hariy on the outside. Green and chock full of little black seeds on the inside. Not to mention full of life giving VItamin C. Fuck yeah! mad
First, I would like to say that I have never been burned by a jerk because I do not date/make friends with jerks. I have, however, recently had the displeasure of being exposed to many jerks in a row. This may not include you, but you certainly whined a lot in my journal leading me to think you're a bit of a spineless whiner who can't stand on his own and perhaps give people like me a better perception of the male sex. Next time you want to tell me that I'm wrong or you dislike me you can take it up with me personally using the "contact" button on my page instead of venting your anger in my journal. Thanks.

By the way, I love kiwi in a fruit salad.
my sim me doesn't look anything like me, I couldn't find anyone who even had short black hair. Lame.
And I suck at everything right now, I scare the models when I try modeling, and they told me to go practice in a mirror when I tried acting.
This definitely made the game tougher, but I'll figure it out... next thing I'm after is Sim's unleashed. I need to duplicate my cats.
Have you ever been crammed in to a handicapped bathroom stall with 9 girls and had your picture taken. I have, and it is as fun as it sounds. I love the theatre. Shakespere had his shit in order! biggrin
That happens to me ALL the time! Yes I DO LOVE MSI...check out my pics. wink
hey gorgeous....where the hell have you been heh

hows life?

I should do something of value today......but I probably won't. Oh well. Who's gonna stop me.
hey you. you should get on aim and talk to me. : )

its kinda neat being your only friend hehe


mama b
Summer is finally here that means two theatre productions, Japanese studies, and work on the character designs for my comic book. Does any one remember when summer was just sitting around and having fun? Oh well...
Finals are coming. Flee to you homes, hug your loved ones, spend a day in the sun. Hell is a series of tests devised to pry irrelevant information from your head. Educated,,,,sedated. Keep the fuckin' monkey docile! Test your educational make-up on it's lips. Monkeys' love lipstick! Evaluate my level of conformity. I study....therefore I'm not out on the street killing my fellow man. S...
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welcome to the sight smile

If I could hate school more.....I probably would. I'd give it a heavy handed taste of good ol fashioned GRRRRR! Kinda like the pirates would do if you were after their gold. That pisses em off good and plenty. A speech to prepare, play to write, math to be done. Bayes Theorem way created by mathmaticians to nullify the non- math minded. GRRRR! mad I signed...
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I agree 100% on the whipping it out thing! wink
It always seems like the week ends so fast...... There I am seemingly enjoying Friday and suddenly it's Sunday. Time to put the pen to paper for the cause if school. Education is a harsh mistress.