Just had sex.......slow clap.
This blog made me gigglesnort, and in the end is why I sent you a friend request; anyone who adds a slow clap at the end of a blog like this is pretty epic in my opinion. I tip my hat to you sir. wink
Well thats just how I roll!
The first day of the much awaited camping trip and its RAINING!!! Damn it
Sooooo for anybody who reads this, which is nobody, the girlfreind moved out. I'm sleeping on the foor in the apartment cause I have no furniture. And no it wasn't like we split. She got a job 3 hours south and I stayed here to finish the getting the stuff done. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that I'm not going...
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blog blog blog blog blog I got a new phone I'm waiting for the damn thing to show up and once that happens I can post decent pictures rather than shitty ones like I have been. who's excited I'm excited you should be excited we're all excited
I suppose I should blog about something. So here I am ....blogging......um hi internet! So I did this thing this one time it was awesome. You shoulda been there. I'm go feed my cat now