I keep telling myself that at one o'clock I'm going to get in the shower, clean up and get dressed before I write some cheques and head out the door to mail said cheques and stop at the grocer to get some more water (the stuff that comes out of the tap here hardly qualifies) and salad dressing (bought a whole lot of salad fixings...
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Hi ! How are you ?
haha! You always leave the most profoundly delightful comments.
Heading down to Florida to do some shooting and just enjoy myself. While I'm gone you cats and kittens should check out this fantastic artist I've fallen in love with. I'll tell you all about the trip when I get back because I'm so sure you care.
Thank you for the comment on my set "Scissors" smile
It's a new year, so I thought I'd put up a new post, but I haven't the foggiest about what I should write here. I've gotten in touch with two old friends via the magical interwebs, proving once again that technology keeps me from going insane. I've also decided to start up yoga in earnest and I'm going to be checking out a place in...
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Panic. I imagine that when most people think of panic it's wide eyed pulse racing immediately following the realization that there is something in the dark and it is about to do grievous harm. That sort of thing that in a moment twists the guts and stops the heart and even keeps breath from passing lips with its sheer power and weight. Cold sweat. Numbness....
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I'm doing it. I'm posting to post; I'm writing to write. I have no idea what's going to happen in the next few minutes and instead of fear or self-loathing I have this looming threat of disappointment. Next month is nanowrimo and I've told myself that I'm going to do it; the truth is that I don't know where the Muse is. I used to...
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Wishing a Happy Birthday to my brother. I'd post up some amusing stories of when we were younger but I'm trying to avoid legal action.
Happy birthday to him!
It puts things into perspective, really. Some problems are just so small, so ultimately simple to conquer. I am humbled and blessed. She was never my friend, but her passing has sent ripples even to my little corner of the pond and I wish all of you, her friends, family and lovers, nothing but the best and offer you anything, anything at all, if it...
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Life is full of compromises, she said, and you'll have to do things that make you unhappy so that, some day, when you're older you'll have the things that will make you happy. My mother taught me that at a young age and I took it to heart. I wish that I hadn't. I wish I had stomped my foot and shook my fist and...
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