Some year ago i create by Autocad 2 type of bodywork frame of TATTOO machine.
I do create a my custom tattoo machine..and i done it 😁
The right machine is the first prototype,simple shape and good perform 😜.
The left shape of knukles ,can give it to me more time to produce,at the first time i was a doubt for what shape doing ..
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β€œYou don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”


Close your eyes,and image who's the human perfection..?

We are so confused,and you serch the meaning of life...a shine future??lucky strike?? don't belive in anything...
take it on..your life,save your soul...and throw away all in other side...
the side of human perfection...

reflecting the mind..in the mirror of illusion...
Don't call who's can't save you soul..smile front of wax face around you..
Take it in...
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Sometime i can try to be a cooker..

Fault of many program does go run to TV...

Try to be an eat a different dish,it's not so complicated,can be easy!!!!.

First:search on internet a simple dish to cook what you like it..

Second: Make more passion and fantasy...and follow the cookbook...go on market for buy all of stuff...and the game it's done..😊

I put here...
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@aradya italians do it better πŸ€£πŸŽ‚πŸ€£

β™  How do you FEEL when listen a word "ITALIAN'S" ??

♣ You feel better or not?and why?

β™₯ Tell me your approach/opinion about Italian..BAD OR NOT...

Or tell me something or someone get hit your mind,like an artist,singer etc...and why?

♦ Or tell a simple friendship about italian..and what have a special??


I wait your message, and be read what you thinkπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Art like an OBJECT doesn't exist ..

Art is more than a simple canvas MADE of expression and technique.

Art is something introspective , inner , observe and feel only what the EYE'S sees is an outrage to oneself and to the nature of man,

Put in at the center of the universe because it is perfect ..

Art is the maximum and perfect expression
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