Hey! Pics, looking good wink Those are the coolest glasses!

Do you want to meet some of the Edmonton ganglink.
Aya is a total doll, you'll love her!

[Edited on Apr 15, 2005 4:32PM]
Just a quick update...Marcie got all her stuff that mattered out, so it's all good. I'm still waiting for my pictures...I will call him today and annoy him. Work is sucking soooo much...God I hate my boss. I can't wait to be out of retail. I swear I'll be out by Halloween. God, I hate working there at Halloween...feel my angst!!! Feel it!!!!!! Are you...
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Deathrae...you NEED some pics so we can all see you!!!! frown frown frown
I just came to say hi to a fellow Albertan...so "HI" smile
I think the crab just happened to swim into the shot. The pic is from a scene in Orgazmo, new on dvd everywhere. Then I know you'll want to see Cannibal the Musical biggrin
So it's been a bit...kind of a wierd week. I got my photos taken, which was sooooo fun and so liberating and so empowering...it was a wonderful experience that everyone should have. Then that evening SomeWonSpit had a gig in Tofield...which is a small town outside of Edmonton...and that sucked. We'll leave it at that....Then SomeWonSpit's lead singer (Marcie) had her apartment buiding burn down....
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I work at Warp 1, on whyte
hi, it's cool to find another some won spit fan.
that's crazy that marcy's apartment burnt down. i better give her call maybe their going come out to west coast.
keep up the welding.
Ola....sorry, it's been a while, but I've been super busy. So yesterday I called my friend and got my pictures taken...some of them are pretty good...and pretty naked. Ben will be happy to note that I did take the Hat/Hate pictures and all...but I they have to be down loaded and cleaned up a bit...we had to take them at my friends place, because mine...
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Finally found batteries for the camera, but it's been a busy week. Had to go to 2 gigs, one with Some Won Spit and a Dead Jesus show, had to work a bunch and had to deal with a nasty bout of food poisoning...never, under any circumstances heat up Boston Pizza creamy tomato sauce the next day...don't do it, even if you are starving...
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Sooo...pictures. Now the damn batteries in the camera are dead..Damn it I just can't win. Tonight is grooming night for the boys, so hair dye and shaving all around. And I get to sit here in really baggy comfy jeans...you know, I don't know why I stopped wearing jeans, they are so comfy and nice. Well, these ones have a massive hole in the crotch,...
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Still haven't found batteries? Must be AAA, no one has those....

When are you going to england?
So the worlds largest mall got evacuated today because of a fire...it was soooo smokey. We couldn't see across the mall, and security is all"well, stay there a bit longer and if it gets worse we'll evacuate" meanwhile the firemen are going by yelling at us to get out....so no more work for me today smile
What's really funny is I was in a pissy mood...
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Pyrokenisis is for chumps... mmmm matches.
Ola, just a quick note...I know there are supposed to be pictures of me up this weekend, but I am feeling like I weigh 300 pounds and am in incredible non stop pain...so no pictures for you. I will however post some this week when I actually feel human.....and the tentacles receed surreal
Oh you just have to use the "de-gross" photoshop filter. All the girls here use it. It works great Posh's second head and monkey tail. She hardly looks the same in real life.
Yup....this has so far been a very unproductive day. I haven't even put my laundry away, I am sooooo lazy. I was contemplating doing something, but I'm figuring, why bother. I think I may have to go pick up my paycheck, but other than that no mobility for me. Maybe if I sit here long enough I'll get bedsores and be all pusy and unattractive...then...
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Haha Ben is so stupid. He just really wants to see you naked. The hāt is a distraction, but don't let that stop you.

Please give me advice on women... let me guess. "Don't date 19 yr olds you dirty old man." Come on say it. I know you want to. SAY IT LOUD ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE TO HEAR RAE!!

At least I got a sexy lingerie show on her webcam after she finished grovelling. I'm fucking amazed by the calming effect that sleazy underwear has on me.
Yup...the vegan cookies were ok...except they wern't really vegan, because I used real chocolate chips instead of carob. I made real ones on Saturday. They were much better, and way more fattening...I can still taste the fat. So I have a 3 day weekend this week, because my boss still owes me a day..I'm going to fight my way through Bloodrayne 2...controls are way better...
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Especially no soup for you!

Can you put tabs on the body parts and number them for me. I'm not sure how they'll fit together otherwise.
Yeah you better number them.
Ola again...so my roomie used up all my baking soda without telling me, so I had to make chocolate chip cookies according to some wierd vegan recipe....only I'm not vegan and I don't have vegan ingredients. I hate people who use the last of something and don't tell you, especially toilet paper. And why is it I'm the only human at work or at home...
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What? Your on fire? I'm confused... no eye humping doesn't count, you'd think it would but it doesn't. I'm talking about physical humping. Good luck with the toilet paper. I have the same problem with my brother. At least we tired a maid service though so things don't go more than two weeks without getting cleaned.
Ok vegan chocolate chip cookies are wrong... MILK chocolate, butter... its all you need....

You're going to end up look like my ex, her arms were always burnt from the sparks... but on the plus side, you'll have your own personal deathray
Yeah....I hate my job...do dah, do dah...I hate customers all day long oh do dah day!!!!Not much new today, just the usual level of hatey goodness and such. I think one of my coworker may possible be drugged, maybe she's just wierd, or maybe she's really an alien in a human suit and our air is incompatable with her and it makes her act all...
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HEY I am the only alien in a human suit! mad Let me at her! blackeyed skull