I'm not sure a journal works for me. First of all I have a very boring life and secondly whenever I discuss my problems it feels like I am whining with self-pity.

Like right now I am pissed my older sister got to go to China and the Grand Caymans in December, but I'm only pissed because we usually get together for Christmas. Now that...
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sometimes i feel like that too. but consider it a way of venting.

Well it is a new year so I guess I'll start my journal for real and see how I do at updating it.

I did start off the new year with learning a lesson. Old farts cannot drink like they did as young bucks only once a year and think there are no consequences.

Now what I take from this is that I need to...
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hell, im a young fart that can't drink like i used to.

like the no new year resoloution thing ive been doin that one a few years myself

It is bad enough that their are so many girls to look at but they keep adding more. smile love smile love

So I guess I should start a journal, "tomorrow".
not enough time in the world.

Actually, he's a consultant near the end of his contract and will be gone soon.